Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Writing For Yourself and Others

An article about writing seems like a funny choice for an author who mostly writes about health and leadership subjects.
Never the less, I feel as much affinity to the writing community as I do to subjects I'm passionate about and want to share what I've learned about writing with you.
I believe that new content is the key in making any web-site vibrant and alive.
It brings readers back, generates discussion and attracts new readers.
To add content, someone must write.
Did you know that someone could be you? There are two major characteristics that define writers.
The 1st and most important is that they "write".
The second is that they get "published".
Let me help you with both of these.
It's way easier to accomplish than you think.
A lot of people think that to be a writer, you must have some special talent or that writers are a unique breed unto themselves.
It's seems that great writers have super abilities that most of us don't.
The truth is that most great writers "write" all the time and through repetition, get better - so the first hint is to start writing.
Write often! Write abundantly! Write about what you know.
Don't limit yourself to your own web-sites or Ezine.
There are lots of web-sites that love to have guest writers posting articles on their sites.
Look for opportunity everywhere you can.
The point is, everyone of us has experiences that others can learn and benefit from.
You're the person that can best express them through your written words and thoughts so they can be shared with others.
Specific subject web-sites that you know something about is a great place to start.
Each of us loves doing something as a hobby or work.
Start writing about what you love.
Here are the two most common things that might cause you to think "not me - I can't do that!" They are "spelling" and "grammar".
I should know about these two because they are my own biggest personal challenges when it comes to writing.
I know it and I do my best in all my writing.
Spell check and grammar check are my two best friends.
Even so, mistakes still happen.
Often I find them after I've published an article in which case I fix them and re-save the piece back on to my web-sites.
Thank God, for easy web publishing tools.
In the end, if there's one or two still not found and corrected, I consider errors to be like the flaws that are purposely woven into a middle eastern carpet.
It proves I'm human and not perfect.
No matter what, I don't let it stop me from writing.
Don't let these challenges prevent you from contributing written content.
Each time you write and publish, you'll get better.
Unless you're like me and you're both your own writer and editor, you have one more great tool and friend - your editor.
Most people find it's impossible to to proof read their own work.
The advantages of being a contributor on a web-site is that your editor will probably proof read you submission and correct any glaring problems.
The second most important aspect of being a writer is being published.
You can write all you want, but until some one else gets to read it, your material is just a journal or diary.
It becomes "content" when you get published.
There are many great websites that writers can publish to.
Check the main menu of web-sites you visit usually under "Resources" and look for "Write for Us" - Many site encourage submissions and usually will allow reciprocal links to your site.

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