Brides Wedding Flower Ideas - Showered By A Canopy of Falling Rose Petals
The wedding reception is almost over.
The bride and grooms picnic basket is packed with champagne and honeymoon snacks.
The picnic basket is waiting in the get away carriage for the bridal couple.
As the happy just-married husband and wife prepare for their grand departure, family and friends gather to shower them with a canopy of fragrant rose petals.
Rose petals are a lovely alternative to the traditional rice or bird seed that is tossed in the final moments of a wedding reception before the wedding couple head off to begin their new life together as Mr.
and Mrs.
Just Married.
How To Dry Rose Petals For A Fragrant Rose Petal Shower 1.
Start collecting rose petals several months before your wedding day.
Place each petal individually in a single layer on a cookie sheet and allow to dry at a very low temperature in the oven.
Store the dried rose petals loosely in ziplock bags.
Before closing bags, add a couple drops of rose geranium essential oil to the bag.
On your wedding day place the petals in lovely little silver or crystal bowls for your guests to toss at the appropriate moment.
Some brides like to make little chiffon and ribbon gathered purses to hold their petals.
Here is another great idea just for the two of you ...
bring along a couple bags of fresh rose petals to scatter on your honeymoon bed!!Best wishes and sweet dreams! © 2006 Kathi Dameron, Kathi Dameron and Associates Note To Publishers: You are invited to share this article through your ezine, website or print publication provided you publish this article in its entirety and include the copyright statement, bio information, active website links and contact information for Kathi Dameron and Associates as provided in the resource section at the bottom of the article.
The bride and grooms picnic basket is packed with champagne and honeymoon snacks.
The picnic basket is waiting in the get away carriage for the bridal couple.
As the happy just-married husband and wife prepare for their grand departure, family and friends gather to shower them with a canopy of fragrant rose petals.
Rose petals are a lovely alternative to the traditional rice or bird seed that is tossed in the final moments of a wedding reception before the wedding couple head off to begin their new life together as Mr.
and Mrs.
Just Married.
How To Dry Rose Petals For A Fragrant Rose Petal Shower 1.
Start collecting rose petals several months before your wedding day.
Place each petal individually in a single layer on a cookie sheet and allow to dry at a very low temperature in the oven.
Store the dried rose petals loosely in ziplock bags.
Before closing bags, add a couple drops of rose geranium essential oil to the bag.
On your wedding day place the petals in lovely little silver or crystal bowls for your guests to toss at the appropriate moment.
Some brides like to make little chiffon and ribbon gathered purses to hold their petals.
Here is another great idea just for the two of you ...
bring along a couple bags of fresh rose petals to scatter on your honeymoon bed!!Best wishes and sweet dreams! © 2006 Kathi Dameron, Kathi Dameron and Associates Note To Publishers: You are invited to share this article through your ezine, website or print publication provided you publish this article in its entirety and include the copyright statement, bio information, active website links and contact information for Kathi Dameron and Associates as provided in the resource section at the bottom of the article.