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Use A Golf Specific Mental And Emotional Toughness Test To Improve Your Game

Most golfers can agree that it doesn't take much of a negative thought to tighten up the wrong muscles sending the ball directly to the trees or sand trap that lies far from prime fairway.
Much has been written about mental toughness in the field of sports.
But, why is it important to understand your own mental toughness skills? Your ability to cope with stress and anxiety on the course is a key ingredient in achieving success and reaching your goals.
Mental Toughness includes being physically well prepared for your round, mentally using your emotions to empower yourself and cope with the ups and downs of each shot, and finally emotionally being strong, flexible, responsive, and resilient.
If Mental Toughness is a weakness in your game, and you find yourself frustrated, overwhelmed or lacking confidence, turn it into one of your strengths by building toughness skills.
If you have questions about how your can build your Mental Toughness skills talk to PGA professional qualified instructor.
MENTAL TOUGHNESS SKILLS QUESTIONNAIRE This brief Mental Toughness Questionnaire will give you a brief overview of how mental toughness plays a part in your golf game.
Respond as honestly as possible.
Be willing to be both critical and complimentary of yourself.
Please answer every question and for each question enter one of the numbers below in considering how descriptive each statement is of you: 1 - ALMOST NEVER TRUE 2 - SOMETIMES, BUT INFREQUENTLY TRUE 3 - OCCASIONALLY TRUE 4 - OFTEN TRUE 5 - ALMOST ALWAYS TRUE 1.
While playing golf, there are never times when I feel mentally flat, tired, and/or lazy.
2 I focus on each shot one at a time without allowing my attention to wander to past or future events on the golf course.
I use positive self-talk to recover from difficult situations.
I don't get nervous or anxious while playing golf.
While preparing to swing, I focus my concentration on my selected target or target line.
I don't talk negatively in my mind while playing golf.
I know when my intensity level is becoming higher or lower than what I would ideally like it to be.
I don't get distracted by internal thoughts and feelings during a round.
After a poor shot (or hole), I can get back on track by positively controlling my thought processes.
I am completely warmed up before I start the round.
It does not take me a few holes to get warmed up and playing my game.
I don't hit a shot until I am physically and mentally ready to hit it.
I trust my swing during competition and thus swing on "automatic pilot" while on the course.
When things get tough, I don't get tense and/or worried.
During my pre-shot routine, I am decisive about the shot I plan to hit, and I commit to it 100%.
I let my mind become "mentally quiet" while I am addressing and hitting the ball.
During competition, I feel physically relaxed and comfortable throughout an entire round.
Outside circumstances (wind, observers, noise, etc.
) do not interfere with my ability to concentrate on my game.
I keep swing thoughts to a minimum while I am addressing the ball.

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