How to Make a Junior Girl Scout First Aid Kit
- 1). Prepare for cuts and scrapes by packing a good variety of bandages. Adhesive bandages of various sizes and shapes are needed to cover most surface wounds. Pack sterile gauze pads, wet wipes, antiseptic and antibiotic ointment and a roll of hypoallergenic tape. A tensor bandage may be needed for possible sprains or muscle strains. Non-latex gloves should be included for handling wounds.
- 2). Keep several simple tools on hand, in case of emergency. A small pair of quality scissors, tweezers and safety pins, may all be helpful in a pinch. Include a thermometer to keep track of fevers.
- 3). Pack sunscreen lotion, to ward off the sun's harmful rays. Aloe Vera lotion is soothing after a long day in the woods. Include lip balm and a small container of petroleum jelly. Several cotton balls are a good way to apply these various lotions. Biodegradable soap should be included as well.
- 4). Include several medicines in the first aid kit. Aspirin are helpful for minor aches and pains. Antacid and antidiarrheal, for times the trail food doesn't sit right. Remember a first aid guide which may be a helpful reference, when scouts are struck with an unexpected emergency.