Home & Garden Architecture

How to Block Water Leaks in Cement

    • 1). Open the crack a little if it is less than 1/4 inch wide. This doesn't apply to a hairline crack, which can simply be sealed with a concrete waterproof paint. Open the crack using a router or a chisel.

    • 2). Clean the area where the leak is occurring. Wait until a time when you have had no rain so that water is not coming out of the crack. Scrub the repair area with a scrub brush and soapy water to remove loose cement or debris. Let the cement dry out for two days.

    • 3). Tap the sealant ports into the crack in the cement. The ports are plastic tubes with a wide disk around one end. Tap the ports in until the disk is flush with the outside of the cement. Place a port every 10 to 12 inches. The ports come with the crack repair kit.

    • 4). Cover the crack with the epoxy from the kit. Brush it on over the crack and the disks of the ports to completely seal the area. The epoxy keeps the sealant from coming out of the crack as you fill the repair area.

    • 5). Start at one end of the cement crack. If the crack is on a wall, start at the bottom. Insert the tip of the sealant into the beginning port and squeeze the material into the crack. Stop filling with sealant when it starts to come out the next port. This is an indication that the crack is filled up to that point.

    • 6). Remove the sealant tube from the port and cap it. Move the tube to the next one. Repeat the process by filling the crack until the sealant starts to come out of the next port. Continue until you have sealant come out of the end port.

    • 7). Cap the final port and let it dry for two to three days.

    • 8). Tap the ports with a hammer to remove them from the cement, and chisel or sand off the epoxy.

    • 9). Fill the port holes with sealant up to the surface of the cement and let it dry for two days.

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