Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Homeopathic ADHD Treatment - Discover 5 Facts And Then Decide What Is Right For Your Child

It is fascinating to watch the shenanigans going on at the moment regarding homeopathic ADHD treatment.
I am referring here to the antics of the opponents of homeopathy who are going around overdosing themselves with homeopathic remedies and claiming that as they have not died, then these medicines do not work at all! Homeopathy does not work like that so they are only displaying their ignorance in a rather melodramatic way.
Here are five facts to bear in mind before you decide whether or not homeopathic ADHD medication could be suitable for your child.
The first fact is that homeopathy acts on a different principle to that of western allopathic medication.
The difference is that we are restoring harmony and balance in the human organism.
Dosage, side effects or any health risks are just totally irrelevant because we are not using any chemicals that react with the human organism.
Not one death has ever been caused by taking homeopathic remedies.
Compare that with the 200,000 deaths in the USA caused by toxic pharmaceutical drugs such as statins and blood thinners.
The second fact is that Luc Montagnier, the Nobel Prize winner for his work on immunology and discovering the AIDS virus, has come out in support of homeopathy.
In a recent interview in Science magazine, he stated that while homeopathy may not be suitable for every medical condition, the fact the high dilutions are water structures which mimic the original molecules must be kept in mind.
The third fact regarding homeopathic ADHD treatment is that it is one of many conditions that can be successfully treated.
The others are allergies, post operative recovery, childhood diarrhea and influenza.
It can also help in reducing side effects caused by chemotherapy.
The fourth fact is that homeopathy had tremendous prestige in the 19th century in the USA and Europe when it was used to treat various maladies such as typhoid, cholera and scarlet fever with great success.
The fifth fact is that although there are some studies that show that homeopathy can make no difference at all, there are hundreds of others which show that they can and do work.
All the studies, both positive and negative ones have been published in prestigious journals such as Lancet, Pediatrics, Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal and The British Medical Journal.
Finally, it must be stated that the success of homeopathic ADHD treatment for restoring balance and soothing nerves in the ADHD child is well documented.
Furthermore as there are no side effects at all nor any health risks, then it should be taken much more seriously and there should be a lot less antagonism towards it.
So, there we have five facts about homeopathic ADHD treatment.
Why not discover more by clicking through to my website and then decide what is right for your child

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