Mistakes Men Make With Women Most Often When Dating or Trying To Keep Her
The 5 Most Common Mistakes Men Make With Women
The following are some of the most common mistakes men make with women when trying to date a woman or keep her whether its your girlfriend or wife.
1. Quit being so Dam Much of a "Nice Guy"
Depending on how old you are you most likely have noticed that a lot of great looking women never seem to be with a nice guy. Ever asked this question: Why is she dating that dude?
Odds are high you have
If you have had experiences like most nice guys have had, you probably have known certain females that were never attracted to you, but then dated complete A-Holes. A woman is not going to chose to date a man because he's a nice guy. Their decisions rest more on their natural instincts that cause them to be attracted to him.
2. Men Turn Into Instant Salesmen and Try To Convince Her Why She Should Like You
What does a typical guy do when he meets someone he really likes.... and she's not in to you? You guessed it. You sell her on why she should. Fact is you will never convince a woman to feel differently when it comes to the laws of attraction
End result. Just a bad idea
3. Always Seeking Her Permission and Approval
Unless you have a woman who loves to control and manipulate everything about her man, you will find that almost all women will never be attracted to a weak man who is constantly seeking permission and kissing her ass.
4. Winning Her Affection With a Night on The Town and or Gifts
Have you ever been out with a woman, took her to a great restaurant, bought her a gift, and then come to find out she chose to date another guy who treats her like badly? Why? You're giving her false impressions about yourself, that the only way she's going to like you is if you BUY her time and BUY her attention. Men over-compensate for being insecure with who they are, and women will view this as trying to be manipulated.
5. Expressing How Much You Like Her Too Early
Another very common mistake men make with women is sharing your feelings way too early. Good looking women get a ton of attention. That's obvious. They get approached everyday and have a lot of experience with dating men for this very reason.
They understand the game and are very good at knowing what they want. And you will have her looking for the exit sign fast if you tell her "I really like you a lot" after only a couple dates. So what does this tell her? That you're like all the other dudes she's dated who don't have any self CONTROL. Take it easy and be patient before opening up too soon.
This is just a partial list. On our blog you will find the 10 most common mistakes men make with women
The following are some of the most common mistakes men make with women when trying to date a woman or keep her whether its your girlfriend or wife.
1. Quit being so Dam Much of a "Nice Guy"
Depending on how old you are you most likely have noticed that a lot of great looking women never seem to be with a nice guy. Ever asked this question: Why is she dating that dude?
Odds are high you have
If you have had experiences like most nice guys have had, you probably have known certain females that were never attracted to you, but then dated complete A-Holes. A woman is not going to chose to date a man because he's a nice guy. Their decisions rest more on their natural instincts that cause them to be attracted to him.
2. Men Turn Into Instant Salesmen and Try To Convince Her Why She Should Like You
What does a typical guy do when he meets someone he really likes.... and she's not in to you? You guessed it. You sell her on why she should. Fact is you will never convince a woman to feel differently when it comes to the laws of attraction
End result. Just a bad idea
3. Always Seeking Her Permission and Approval
Unless you have a woman who loves to control and manipulate everything about her man, you will find that almost all women will never be attracted to a weak man who is constantly seeking permission and kissing her ass.
4. Winning Her Affection With a Night on The Town and or Gifts
Have you ever been out with a woman, took her to a great restaurant, bought her a gift, and then come to find out she chose to date another guy who treats her like badly? Why? You're giving her false impressions about yourself, that the only way she's going to like you is if you BUY her time and BUY her attention. Men over-compensate for being insecure with who they are, and women will view this as trying to be manipulated.
5. Expressing How Much You Like Her Too Early
Another very common mistake men make with women is sharing your feelings way too early. Good looking women get a ton of attention. That's obvious. They get approached everyday and have a lot of experience with dating men for this very reason.
They understand the game and are very good at knowing what they want. And you will have her looking for the exit sign fast if you tell her "I really like you a lot" after only a couple dates. So what does this tell her? That you're like all the other dudes she's dated who don't have any self CONTROL. Take it easy and be patient before opening up too soon.
This is just a partial list. On our blog you will find the 10 most common mistakes men make with women