How to Build a Table Saw Crosscut Sled
- 1). Lower the saw blade below the surface of the throat plate. Lay the two strips of hardwood in the saw's miter slots. Flush the back ends of the strips with the back edges of the miter slots. Run a bead of glue along the top of the strips.
- 2). Lay the chipboard down on top of the strips, flush and square with the back of the saw table. Let the glue dry for 15 minutes.
- 3). Screw down through the chipboard into the strips using four screws per strip. Pick up the sled and turn it upside down. Run a bead of glue along one edge of the poplar pieces. Insert one piece underneath the chipboard flush with the back and one flush with the front. Screw them on using eight screws per piece.
- 4). Flip the sled over. Run a bead of glue along the inside edge of the poplar. Stand one piece of birch up against the poplar in the glue on the front and back. The birch pieces should be facing each other on the inside. Screw them on through the poplar pieces front and back.
- 5). Set the sled aside and raise the saw blade to approximately 2 inches. Pick up the sled. Position it over the table and let the miter strips settle into the miter slots in front of the blade (the front is the side where the operator stands).
- 6). Turn on the saw. Push the sled slowly into the blade, letting it cut through the chipboard and the bottom of the poplar. Cut all the way through the sled.