Characteristics of Rock & Roll Music
- Rock and roll is a type of music that emerged in the late 1950s. It can be said to be an equal infusion of rhythm and blues and country. Besides jazz and country, it is the only type of music Americans can call their own. Rock and roll caused quite a stir when it first began to be played, as many claimed that it was immoral. Since the 50s, rock and roll has come a long way, and has ingrained itself in American society.
- Rock was partly styled after rhythm and blues music. Rhythm and blues came from the music brought to this continent by Africans. It was not do-wop or jazz, but it certainly had an African feel. Rhythm and blues lent many of its characteristics to rock and roll. One of those characteristics was its participatory nature. Both rhythm and blues and rock and roll feature a lead singer who is pitted against an answering chorus. This also brought about the instrumental solos that came to define rock and roll. Voice quality is another characteristic that was lent to rock are roll from rhythm and blues. Rock and roll singers usually use a hoarse or grainy voice. Melodies are usually very narrow and only incorporated to stress blues notes.
- Country music also lent many of its characteristics to rock and roll. One important characteristic of rock and roll is its reliance on cord progression. This was borrowed from the guitar stylings of country. Songs consisting of three or four repeating chords was very prevalent in early country, as is the case with rock and roll. A good example of this would be the songs by Elvis Presley. Rock and roll songs often are a form of story telling, which also was a common theme in country music. While the beat that drives rock and roll could be said to have been borrowed from rhythm and blues, country also influenced rock's steady driving beat.
- Rock and roll was said to have been born on April 12, 1954, when Bill Haley and the Comets recorded "Rock Around the Clock." The verse and chorus structure of this song with a short instrumental solo can be said to characterize early rock and roll.
Acts like Chuck Berry and Elvis followed suit. The fundamental characteristics of rock and roll are what got it in trouble among the media and the older population of the country. The driving beat and sensual style of singing were thought to drive children to the dark side. The fuzzy, over amplified guitar was thought to be more of a sound than actual music, and lyrics celebrating women and cars were not thought to be productive. Despite the original weariness, rock and roll survived and continues to be a big part of American life.