Health & Medical Beauty & Style

How to Wash Toner Ink Off of Clothes

    • 1). Try to shake the toner off of clothes. Toner ink from laser printers is a very fine powder; much of it may be removed by simply shaking the clothing item vigorously.

    • 2). Brush as much of the stain off of the clothes as possible using a soft-bristled brush. Do not rub the stain; this will only force the powder into the fabric further, making it more difficult to clean.

    • 3). Use a dry cloth, such as a towel, in a brushing motion on the stain. Note that the cloth itself will most likely become stained, so use something that you do not mind soiling.

    • 4). Dampen a dry, absorbent cloth with rubbing alcohol and then blot it on the toner stain. Note that the toner will likely stain the cloth.

    • 5). Spray the stain with hairspray, blot well with towels on both sides of the fabric, and then wash in cold water in a washing machine. You can also try standard stain removal products.

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