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Hypoparathyroidism - Definition, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hypoparthyroidism is a deficiency of parathyroid hormone that causes abnormal metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Underactive parathyroid glands produce too little parathyroid hormones, which in turn causes low levels of calcium in the blood stream. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) works in conjunction with vitamin D to regulate total body calcium. The body secretes PTH in response to hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia; the hormone then stimulates osteoclasts to increase bone resorption. PTH also acts indirectly through the stimulation of adenyl cyclase to increase renal tubular calcium resorption and phosphate excretion. Hypoparathyroidism can result from congenital disorders, iatrogenic causes (eg, drugs, removal of the parathyroid glands during thyroid or parathyroid surgery, radiation), infiltration of the parathyroid glands (eg, metastatic carcinoma, Wilson disease, sarcoid), suppression of parathyroid function, HIV/AIDS, or idiopathic mechanisms. DiGeorge syndrome is a childhood disease in which hypoparathyroidism occurs due to a total absence of the parathyroid glands at birth.

Hypoparathyroidism is the only real result of parathyroid dysfunction and low PTH levels. This presents with tremor, tetany and, eventually, convulsions. HPTH can also be caused by surgery for Hyperparathyroidism (i.e. to remove overactive parathyroid(s) ). Approximately 3 or 4 percent of all patients with primary hyperparathyroidism will have an enlargement of all four parathyroid glands, a term called parathyroid hyperplasia. Hemochromatosis can lead to iron accumulation and consequent dysfunction of a number of endocrine organs, including the parathyroids. Absence or dysfunction of the parathyroid glands is one of the components of chromosome 22q11 microdeletion syndrome. Hypoparathyroidism UK is run for people with HPTH by people with HPTH. Hypoparathyroidism can result in hypocalcemia, and it commonly is diagnosed during the workup for hypocalcemia. Pseudohypoparathyroidism describes hereditary conditions that cause end organs to be resistant to PTH.

Hypoparathyroidism requires lifelong treatment of oral supplements of calcium, Vitamin D, in varying forms,and magnesium. Blood levels are measured regularly to make sure that the dose is correct. A high-calcium, low-phosphorous diet is recommended. Teriparatide, a synthetic form of PTH (presently registered for osteoporosis) might become the treatment of choice for PTH supplementation. Thyroid and parathyroid surgery once resulted in damage to parathyroid glands, often causing hypoparathyroidism. Today's surgical techniques, however, make this much less likely. Avoid caffeine (such as in coffee, black tea, colas, and chocolate). Caffeine can lead to calcium loss through the urine. Herbs rich in minerals such as silica have been used historically to support normal bone growth.ising carbon-dioxide levels in the blood, which can decrease muscle spasms, may be achieved in immediate situations by placing a paper bag over the mouth and blowing into it to "reuse" each breath. It is critical to obtain timely periodic laboratory tests to check calcium levels. A high calcium, low-phosphorous diet may be of significance and is directed by the physician or dietitian.

Treatment for Hypoparathyroidism Tips

1. Hypoparathyroidism is treated as soon as possible with intravenous calcium (e.g. as calcium gluconate).

2. Blood levels are measured regularly to make sure that the dose is correct.

3. A high-calcium, low-phosphorous diet is recommended.

4. Teriparatide, a synthetic form of PTH (presently registered for osteoporosis) might become the treatment of choice for PTH supplementation.

5. Low-phosphorous diet may be of significance and is directed by the physician or dietitian.

6. Avoid caffeine (such as in coffee, black tea, colas, and chocolate).

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