3 Steps to an Out of Body Experience
One in five people report having had an out of body experience.
This figure may, or may, not be an accurate number.
For one reason or another, some people may not acknowledge the occurrence(s).
Many people assume, or convince themselves, that the "experience" was just a dream, daydream, hallucination, or some type of coincidental occurrence.
Often, those who have had an OBE (out of body experience) that occurs while sleeping will describe it as an extremely vivid dream.
Many people that have actually been on an astral journey simply dismiss their "déjà vu" as mere coincidence.
A lot of people do not realize that their consciousness may be leaving their physical body and entering an astral body causing these strange events.
These individuals don't know that they could be traveling in the astral plane, not merely dreaming or hallucinating.
The most commonly reported incidence of astral projection is derived from a "near death" experience or a surgical procedure.
Frequently, surgical patients will tell about hovering or floating above "the action" and looking down on their physical bodies.
Often, stories include bright lights, tunnels, visiting heaven, or seeing deceased loved ones.
Sometimes, out of body experiences occur spontaneously, with no effort from the experiment.
However, usually, the majority of astral travelers are able to willingly initiate an astral event at a specifically selected time.
There are various methods for inducing astral happenings.
If you would like to attempt astral projection, try following these three steps:
Every person is different.
Therefore, each individual will have a different perspective regarding astral travel.
Some experts say that astral events provide insight and add quality to life.
Many people enjoy the experience, immensely, and practice projection at will, quite frequently.
This figure may, or may, not be an accurate number.
For one reason or another, some people may not acknowledge the occurrence(s).
Many people assume, or convince themselves, that the "experience" was just a dream, daydream, hallucination, or some type of coincidental occurrence.
Often, those who have had an OBE (out of body experience) that occurs while sleeping will describe it as an extremely vivid dream.
Many people that have actually been on an astral journey simply dismiss their "déjà vu" as mere coincidence.
A lot of people do not realize that their consciousness may be leaving their physical body and entering an astral body causing these strange events.
These individuals don't know that they could be traveling in the astral plane, not merely dreaming or hallucinating.
The most commonly reported incidence of astral projection is derived from a "near death" experience or a surgical procedure.
Frequently, surgical patients will tell about hovering or floating above "the action" and looking down on their physical bodies.
Often, stories include bright lights, tunnels, visiting heaven, or seeing deceased loved ones.
Sometimes, out of body experiences occur spontaneously, with no effort from the experiment.
However, usually, the majority of astral travelers are able to willingly initiate an astral event at a specifically selected time.
There are various methods for inducing astral happenings.
If you would like to attempt astral projection, try following these three steps:
- Relax - Find a comfortable place to lie down or sit back with your feet up.
The area must be free of any distractions.
It should be quiet and fairly dark (no bright lights).
The area should not be too cold or too hot.
Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and remove any restrictive accessories.
Close your eyes and relax. - Focus - Clear your mind.
Concentrate on slowing down your body and your brain.
You must let go of all thoughts and concerns.
And, you cannot be fearful.
With your eyes closed, focus on the blank, blackness that you see.
Some astral travelers use recordings of binaural beats to influence their brainwave frequencies.
You may feel some vibrations or slight tugging as you begin to make the transition.
Some people find it helpful to visualize pulling themselves up with a rope, or "rolling out" of their body. - Transfer - See yourself leaving your physical body and entering your astral body.
Some people are startled when they look down on their physical body.
Often, this will cause their consciousness to leave the astral plane and return to the physical.
If this happens, just relax and begin again when you are ready.
Many beginners have a little difficulty inducing projection.
You may have to make several attempts before succeeding.
Every person is different.
Therefore, each individual will have a different perspective regarding astral travel.
Some experts say that astral events provide insight and add quality to life.
Many people enjoy the experience, immensely, and practice projection at will, quite frequently.