Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Border Patrol Securing Border Better; Economy Fine

Perhaps you have noticed that the border patrol is seizing more drugs and catching more people who are trying to enter the United States of America from Mexico illegally by crossing the border.
This is a good thing.
Many people still believe that we need he legal immigrants to do jobs for our country or our economy will collapse.
However, fewer he legal aliens are getting across the border and more are being deported each day and yet our economy is doing fine.
For those who use the claim that our economy cannot survive without he legal aliens I submit to you this is politically motivated thinking and it is incorrect.
You see, if there was a real crisis with fulfilling jobs in the United States of America then in the United States of America and their mighty entrepreneurial force would invent robots to pick our crops, do our landscaping, wash our cars, prepare the food in fast food restaurants and work as maids in our home.
In fact that day is coming and it is coming faster than ever before as technology advances.
Securing the borders of the United States of America is necessary to protect the American people and that is the job of the federal government.
We must insist as citizens that the federal government do its job and we must resist temptation to buy into an erroneous line of thinking that we cannot run our civilization or our economy without illegal immigrants.
That excuse does not hold water.
Please consider this a 2006.

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