Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Colon Hydrotherapy - How Does it Work?

This is the process of cleaning the colon by inserting a pipe through the anus to the colon then flushing in large amounts of water.
It is a very effective and quick way of removing waste from the large intestines.
No drugs or chemicals are involved in this process and so it is very relaxing and sensational.
Colon hydrotherapy equipment is used to administer the operation.
A patient lies in comfortable position and a system of tubes if used to transport purified water into the colon and at the same time drain the filth out of the colon.
The process must be done by a professional colon hydro therapist to avoid contamination or infection.
During the process, the pressure and temperature of the water will be closely monitored and varied by the therapist to cause muscular contractions in the colon.
This will help prevent the colon from becoming sluggish.
Colon hydrotherapy may last for approximately 45 minutes to one hour.
During the process of colon hydrotherapy, about 25-35 gallons of water will be passed into and out of the colon through the anus.
The colon therapist will use a combination of reflexology, massage, breathing instructions and relaxation techniques to facilitate the excretion of toxic substances.
This process cannot be done by an individual at home; it has to be professionally done.
A single session of colon hydrotherapy is equal to 20 or 30 normal bowel movements.
The colon walls are thoroughly washed by the high pressured water to dislodge old and hardened feces that are covered by mucus in the colon walls.
A person undergoing the process is carefully monitored by the therapist during the session to check if he or she may be required to undergo additional procedures if the colon is in pathetic condition.
After undergoing colon irrigation or therapy, one usually feels a renewed sense of energy, vitality and a good feeling of well being.
Moreover,  ones health condition is improved overly.
To avoid wasting the money used during the process by getting the colon dirty again, one may see it necessary to have colon therapy follow ups treatment every year.
However, colon hydrotherapy has some disadvantages.
The first one is that it is very expensive; a single therapy with will only last for about an hour and a half will cost you between $60 and $100.
Furthermore, the use of hot water which is under pressure can cause the colon to stretch unnaturally and become extra large.
It may also cause ripping of the colon lining.
The other disadvantage is that the process only cleans the colon; it does not touch on the small intestines which may also contain toxic substances that will eventually drain into the colon after some time.
It is also not advisable to administer colon hydrotherapy if the colon is diseased.
Nevertheless colon hydrotherapy has been proven to be a very safe and effective method of cleaning the colon.
It may not be very common or people may be skeptical about it but those who have tried it have a good report on its effectiveness.

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