Health & Medical Self-Improvement

A Great Pair Of Tips!

Here's a great reminder of self improvement theory that I got from the winter sport of curling.
As I write it is March 2007, and I am coming to the end of my first full season playing curling.
Invented in Scotland around 500 years ago, it's massive in that country, and in Canada.
Elsewhere it is a minority sport to say the least, and the local curling rink to me is the only one on the whole of England! I went for a training session a couple of weeks ago, and was a bit concerned.
I knew I had developed bad habits in my delivery of the curling stone, and was not sure well I would be able to unlearn them.
The session was taken by a Canadian girl who has been playing for over 20 years.
She asked me what I wanted out of the session, and after I'd told her she asked me to deliver some stones so she could she my action.
After my first go she said 'I can see what you're doing wrong,' and gave me advice.
I tried to do what she said, and the next throw was about a gazillion times better! She then gave the whole group some general tips, one of which I knew would be relevant to me.
All that took about 20 minutes.
I could not believe just 20 minutes and 2 tips would make such a difference! Actually I'm lying, I could believe it.
I remember a drummer gave me 2 tips once which made a huge difference.
So it doesn't surprise me, but it gives me a boost and a smile whenever I personally experience it myself.
It doesn't take a seminar, or an essay, or a textbook.
Just a couple of tips from an outsider with greater knowledge.
2 tips at a time is enough to work on without over complicating things.
It's hugely powerful stuff.
Anything that you want to do better, in any walk of life, can be improved by a couple of tips from someone who knows more than you on the subject! I talk about it in my book, 'Transform Your Life in 21Days!', and if you want simple effective tips on how to change your circumstances, it really is worth a read to see how I did it myself.

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