Getting Rid of Stink Bugs the Non-Stinky Way
Getting rid of stink bugs in a non stinky way seems like a joke because they stink up no matter how you get rid of them. But there are ways to help keep the stink level down. To equip you with this procedure there are a few things that you need to know. For your sanity's sake, never ever pick one up with your bar hands especially the live ones that you find crawling about. These little critters have teeth or rather tubes that suck the juice out of the leaf, fruit or whatever plant they are feasting on. You might get stung if you don't wear gloves and if the bug gets none too comfortable, might let you get a generous whiff of its trademark stink.
The usual method for the removal of these bugs is through the use of pesticides. Pesticides are good. The funny thing about pesticides and stink bugs is that not all pesticides work on all kinds of stink bugs. It takes a bug expert to tell you which one you've got and recommend a suitable pesticide for it. Permethrin is a popular choice. There are also insecticide sprays that you can use to 'shield' your house with. Spray the outside of the house with the recommended spray in getting rid of stink bugs. An initial spray will take more than a gallon to effectively cover an entire house. It is important to drench the whole structure because the stink bugs can find any spot that's not protected. However, if it's effectively done, it should give you several months of non-stinky breathing space.
There are non-pesticide ways of tackling your stink bug problem. By far the most effective way is to hand pick each of them and dump them in a bag. Of course you have to be very careful not to crush them. It is labor intensive but it's a sure way of catching them without letting them give off the stink that's going to mark your home as a stink bug haven. Getting rid of stink bugs is quite a chore but any one who has had the misfortune of getting infested will advise you that it's better to get rid of the few that have started to come in rather than risk of having them return year after year in greater numbers. And with their high reproduction rate, this is a big possibility especially if your house or garden has proven hospitable.
Other means of making them stay away from inside your home is to make sure that there is no crack, slat or vent they can crawl through. Make sure all these possible entrance areas are covered up or caulked such as window sills. Air conditioning vents are also prime entry spots for these insects. It is a good idea to clean and maintain this appliance so that you can check that no bugs are lurking there. A vacuum cleaner is also a handy tool for the purpose of literally cleaning up the bugs. Again, just make sure that the bugs don't get crushed or else the stink will mark your place forever to other bugs now and in the future. Getting rid of stink bugs won't have to be a nightmare.
The usual method for the removal of these bugs is through the use of pesticides. Pesticides are good. The funny thing about pesticides and stink bugs is that not all pesticides work on all kinds of stink bugs. It takes a bug expert to tell you which one you've got and recommend a suitable pesticide for it. Permethrin is a popular choice. There are also insecticide sprays that you can use to 'shield' your house with. Spray the outside of the house with the recommended spray in getting rid of stink bugs. An initial spray will take more than a gallon to effectively cover an entire house. It is important to drench the whole structure because the stink bugs can find any spot that's not protected. However, if it's effectively done, it should give you several months of non-stinky breathing space.
There are non-pesticide ways of tackling your stink bug problem. By far the most effective way is to hand pick each of them and dump them in a bag. Of course you have to be very careful not to crush them. It is labor intensive but it's a sure way of catching them without letting them give off the stink that's going to mark your home as a stink bug haven. Getting rid of stink bugs is quite a chore but any one who has had the misfortune of getting infested will advise you that it's better to get rid of the few that have started to come in rather than risk of having them return year after year in greater numbers. And with their high reproduction rate, this is a big possibility especially if your house or garden has proven hospitable.
Other means of making them stay away from inside your home is to make sure that there is no crack, slat or vent they can crawl through. Make sure all these possible entrance areas are covered up or caulked such as window sills. Air conditioning vents are also prime entry spots for these insects. It is a good idea to clean and maintain this appliance so that you can check that no bugs are lurking there. A vacuum cleaner is also a handy tool for the purpose of literally cleaning up the bugs. Again, just make sure that the bugs don't get crushed or else the stink will mark your place forever to other bugs now and in the future. Getting rid of stink bugs won't have to be a nightmare.