Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

How to Plan for a Flood

    • 1). Research and find out if your home is located in an at-risk flooding location. You can contact your local Red Cross for information.

    • 2). Determine if your home is covered by flood insurance. If not, take the proper steps to ensure that your property will be taken care of in the event that a flood causes significant damage.

    • 3). Create an emergency supply kit. This should include items such as canned food, a can opener, bottled water, important documents, flashlights, a battery-powered radio, extra batteries, first-aid kit, extra clothing, and sleeping bags. Make sure you have quick and easy access to this kit.

    • 4). Create an evacuation plan for a safe escape. Make sure you have an alternate escape route in case your primary route is inaccessible. If you have pets, ensure that you have a plan to get them to a safe area, as well. Have a predetermined safe place to go to if a flood does occur. This could be family's house, a friend's house, or a hotel, for instance.

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