Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

What Does a Good Man Want? Understand This & You Will Never Be Helpless Around Men Anymore

Do you want to be the woman who satisfies her man completely? If the answer to that is "yes" then all you have to do is understand your man thoroughly.
Find out what he wants and make sure you give it to him.
These tips will help you have an insight as to what men usually want from their women.
He needs you to understand him If you can really understand your man, you will have no trouble satisfying his every want! Understanding him means you should know the reason behind their moods, their behavior and eccentricities.
Men can be like little children at times.
Find out what your man really feels about the little things in his life and you have the answer! A woman with a good body This is one of the most obvious wants.
He fell for you when you looked hot and sexy didn't he? Well don't stop looking good for him.
A man does not care that you had a baby or two along the way - he just wants to see you looking attractive and beautiful for him.
A patient woman Most men are put off by impatient and nagging women.
If you are impatient with him it is obvious that sooner or later you are going to turn into a nagging and nit-picking shrew! It pays to be patient.
Have trust in your man and let him do it his way! Men like excitement in their lives Remember if you do not want to give him that excitement - he may look for it elsewhere! Men love to try out new things.
Don't be intimated, shy or afraid to try them out with him - whether it is deep sea diving or a new way to get intimate! He will love it when you can trust him all the way and share his interests.
A woman who trusts him This need never changes.
Every man wants their woman to trust him.
This means letting him have his freedom and meet his friends.
Once a man knows he has your trust he will never want to stray and cheat on you.
Let him know that you are not the jealous and over possessive type.
A good man wants a good listener He needs your support and for you to be there for him.
Men love it when their women take time to listen to their views, ideas and thoughts.
Sometimes men clam up and refuse to speak their minds because they know instinctively that their women are not really interested.
Get your man to open up to you and encourage him by listening with your heart.
Men want you to cook well This is really true as after a while when he's done with living on "love 'n fresh air", he expects to come home to a hot and delicious meal.
He will love it when you make his favorite dishes and time has proved that a way to his heart is through his stomach!

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