Health & Medical Body building

How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle - A Complete Nuts and Bolts Guide to Go From Flab to Fab

Want to know how to lose weight and gain muscle? It's been ten years since you saw your buddies from university and your reunion is fast approaching.
You look exactly the same...
above the neck, that is.
You know what you need to do.
So you want to know how to lose weight and gain muscle? First, you need to look at the kind of body you have currently.
If you are very overweight you will need to work a little differently than someone who just needs to get back in overall better shape.
For everyone, the how in how to lose weight and gain muscle, begins with the food you choose to put into your body.
Start with a high protein, low fat diet.
The fats that you can eat should be those from fish or olive oil, as opposed to fried chicken or burgers.
Avoid white pastas or rice.
Instead, seek out whole grain carbohydrates.
Fruits and vegetables are extremely important and should be included with every meal.
Drink lots of water.
Avoid soda, junk food, and processed food "products".
The body is often confused about how to break down processed foods and will store them as fat since it can't digest them.
If you are very overweight this is the starting point for how to lose weight and gain muscle.
Until the weight begins to come off, don't try to split your focus.
Your body will get confused.
Once your weight begins to decrease, you can begin to workout to gain muscle.
Keep in mind, starving yourself, or decreasing your caloric intake drastically, will work against you.
Your body will go into survival mode and begin storing fat, since it is unsure of when it will get its next meal, and that won't help you lose weight.
Now that you have your food intake under control you can continue to the next step of how to lose weight and gain muscle.
This next step is exercise.
Rather than going to the gym and lifting huge amounts of weight in an effort to bulk up, you will need to finesse your workout a bit more in order to achieve your goals.
Along with your strength training regimen, which can include the usual squats, push/pull-ups, jumping jacks, lunges, etc.
, include 30 minutes of cardio training.
Remember you are trying to both lose weight and gain muscle, so if you just train for strength you'll bulk up underneath your fat.
Essentially, you are embarking on two training regimens at once.
Figuring out how to lose weight and gain muscle is not an exact science and you will need to experiment with ratios to get the most out of your workout plan.
Monitor your body fat percentage and get it down to a certain point and then build it back up, replacing the percentage you lost with muscle.
Play with this until you achieve the body you want and always remember to keep eating a healthy, balanced diet.

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