"Guaranteed Weight Loss - You Is It!"
Years ago I had an incredible mentor. This man was an inspiration and amazing guide who led me from one phase of my life to the next. He was a tall, stocky, strong man who always arrived to teach his seminars in the most pristine condition. Well groomed with an immaculate suit, he would deliver incredible life-changing content with a directness and certainty in his voice and body that had us all hanging on his every word.
One seminar, while he was lecturing on the necessity of taking total responsibility for your life, he stated 'You Is It!' Meaning, of course, that you are the one in the driving seat. You are the one that is making the choices that are determining where you are at right now...and that goes for your current state of health and your waste-line.
Now, I want to make one thing clear here and now: You are not the only one at cause for your weight and health problems. You spend more time and are bombarded with more adverts to influence your decisions regarding your health than you can imagine. Research suggests that you see somewhere in the region of 3000 images every day! On top of this, the foods and fluids you are consuming are covered in chemicals that can actually make your body addicted to them.
So, you've been influenced. You've been hoodwinked, manipulated and cajoled into the way you live your life right now. However, you have always and will always be the one making the decisions and taking the actions...'You Is It!!'
What then, will you do going forward? Because right now, just like every single golden moment in your life, you have the choice to move in whichever direction you like. And there is no more blaming anyone or anything else for the position you find yourself in. Yes, you have been sold to and marketed to. But it's time to drop that story. It's time to take responsibility for your own thoughts, words and actions.
Will your next thought be one of the health and weight loss you wish to bring to your life? Will it be a vision of you at your perfect weight, backed by the words coming out of your mouth to support that vision and finally a course of action that moves you towards that vision?
Or will your first thought be one of...
'I can't lose weight'
'I have a slow metabolism'
'I am just meant to be fat'
'I don't have the time to learn or try anything new'
'I'm too busy'
'My family won't support me'
'There are too many distractions from the media'
'It's too expensive to be healthy'
Answer this question: will the above thoughts create a vision that you want to move towards? Will they lead you to the ideas, inspiration and creation of your ideal weight? No! You are right, they will not. So where do you play your part?
You Is It! You play your part by what you think, what you say and ultimately what you do. Begin monitoring your thoughts. Because if you are focusing on what you don't want, you are not moving towards what you do want. So get clear in your mind on where you want to go, your ideal weight. State aloud over and over where you are going and take the action necessary that will get you there.
And remember, you are going to slip from time to time and that's ok. Celebrate every single step you take and even celebrate the ones you take backwards. Take responsibility for where you are now and where you are going and you will get exactly where you want to go. You Is It!
One seminar, while he was lecturing on the necessity of taking total responsibility for your life, he stated 'You Is It!' Meaning, of course, that you are the one in the driving seat. You are the one that is making the choices that are determining where you are at right now...and that goes for your current state of health and your waste-line.
Now, I want to make one thing clear here and now: You are not the only one at cause for your weight and health problems. You spend more time and are bombarded with more adverts to influence your decisions regarding your health than you can imagine. Research suggests that you see somewhere in the region of 3000 images every day! On top of this, the foods and fluids you are consuming are covered in chemicals that can actually make your body addicted to them.
So, you've been influenced. You've been hoodwinked, manipulated and cajoled into the way you live your life right now. However, you have always and will always be the one making the decisions and taking the actions...'You Is It!!'
What then, will you do going forward? Because right now, just like every single golden moment in your life, you have the choice to move in whichever direction you like. And there is no more blaming anyone or anything else for the position you find yourself in. Yes, you have been sold to and marketed to. But it's time to drop that story. It's time to take responsibility for your own thoughts, words and actions.
Will your next thought be one of the health and weight loss you wish to bring to your life? Will it be a vision of you at your perfect weight, backed by the words coming out of your mouth to support that vision and finally a course of action that moves you towards that vision?
Or will your first thought be one of...
'I can't lose weight'
'I have a slow metabolism'
'I am just meant to be fat'
'I don't have the time to learn or try anything new'
'I'm too busy'
'My family won't support me'
'There are too many distractions from the media'
'It's too expensive to be healthy'
Answer this question: will the above thoughts create a vision that you want to move towards? Will they lead you to the ideas, inspiration and creation of your ideal weight? No! You are right, they will not. So where do you play your part?
You Is It! You play your part by what you think, what you say and ultimately what you do. Begin monitoring your thoughts. Because if you are focusing on what you don't want, you are not moving towards what you do want. So get clear in your mind on where you want to go, your ideal weight. State aloud over and over where you are going and take the action necessary that will get you there.
And remember, you are going to slip from time to time and that's ok. Celebrate every single step you take and even celebrate the ones you take backwards. Take responsibility for where you are now and where you are going and you will get exactly where you want to go. You Is It!