Tips To Become a Certified Pharmacy Technician
Research the career (is it right for you?)
You may think that you want to be a pharm tech; nevertheless, you should make positive that the line of work is right for you before investing your time.
Day to day functions youll perform
Pharm techs work in pharmacies found within medical centers such as hospitals and clinics or retail stores.
Pharmacy technicians can do substantially the same work as licensed pharmacists, including stocking, ordering, and the preparation of medications; still, all prescription drugs prepared by technicians must be certified by a pharmacist before dispersion.
About Formal Training
The Office of Labor Statistics states that there is not an established education standard for the career.
Some employers may provide job training; yet, applicants with formal preparation and experience will always be favored. Therefore, becoming a certified pharmacy technician will better set you to start your career. You can either enroll into a pharmacy technician preparation program or select a self-paced or internet study guide. If you prefer the way of a formal learning, you can study pharmacy technology at a community college; if you take credit classes it may lead to an associate degree or certificate. If you select to study for the certificate yourself check the resource part of this article.
About The Certification
A Certified Pharmacy Tech or CPhT in average receive higher salaries and major advancement chances than those not certified technicians. Besides, the pharm tech certificate is imposed by numerous states and employers in order to be suitable to work as a Pharmacy Tech. The certificate examination is made of 90 multiple choice questions. You are not eligible to take the exam if you have been convicted of a drug-related felony within the past five years. Credential will be renewed every two years by getting at least 20 hours of continuing education credits.
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You may think that you want to be a pharm tech; nevertheless, you should make positive that the line of work is right for you before investing your time.
Day to day functions youll perform
Pharm techs work in pharmacies found within medical centers such as hospitals and clinics or retail stores.
Pharmacy technicians can do substantially the same work as licensed pharmacists, including stocking, ordering, and the preparation of medications; still, all prescription drugs prepared by technicians must be certified by a pharmacist before dispersion.
About Formal Training
The Office of Labor Statistics states that there is not an established education standard for the career.
Some employers may provide job training; yet, applicants with formal preparation and experience will always be favored. Therefore, becoming a certified pharmacy technician will better set you to start your career. You can either enroll into a pharmacy technician preparation program or select a self-paced or internet study guide. If you prefer the way of a formal learning, you can study pharmacy technology at a community college; if you take credit classes it may lead to an associate degree or certificate. If you select to study for the certificate yourself check the resource part of this article.
About The Certification
A Certified Pharmacy Tech or CPhT in average receive higher salaries and major advancement chances than those not certified technicians. Besides, the pharm tech certificate is imposed by numerous states and employers in order to be suitable to work as a Pharmacy Tech. The certificate examination is made of 90 multiple choice questions. You are not eligible to take the exam if you have been convicted of a drug-related felony within the past five years. Credential will be renewed every two years by getting at least 20 hours of continuing education credits.
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