Health & Medical Parenting

How to Teach My Children Not to Open the Door for Strangers

    • 1). Establish the rules early on that your child is never to open the door to a stranger. Even if you are in another part of the house, outside or on the phone, make it a house rule she has to come and get you if someone comes to the door.

    • 2). Don't make exceptions to the rules. Even if they think they know who may be on the other side, children should always defer to you before allowing anyone to enter. If they are at home alone, make sure all family members and friends have made prior arrangements to come over, rather than just pop by.

    • 3). Teach your child cautious compassion. Dangerous strangers may prey upon a child's decency or kindness to gain access to your home. If someone comes to the door and tells your child he needs to use the phone for an emergency, teach your child to offer to make the call instead without unlocking the door and letting him in.

    • 4). Tell your child that under no circumstances is he to tell a stranger you are not home. If the stranger is persistent in speaking with you, teach your child to request that a business card be slipped under the door and that you will get back in touch when it is more convenient.

    • 5). Role-play with your child so that you can be confident she understands the importance of the rules you've implemented. Do this as often as you feel necessary until it becomes second nature for her to follow your instructions to the letter.

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