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Golf Swing - The Foundation to a Solid Game

Golfing is one of the most popular past times in the entire world whether you are a high school kid just starting off or if you are a person in retirement getting their first game of golf under their belt.
There is a reason for this, it is a game that is extremely enjoyable and people love it, whether they lose or win.
Except most people in the world have a tendency to want to actually be good at a round of golf.
A great way to become an all around better golf player is to improve your golf swing.
The golf swing is as much a part of where a ball is going to land or how far as it is going to go as having a certain set of golf clubs is.
Without a good swing the most expensive clubs in the market aren't going to do you a single bit of good.
With an improved golf swing you can not only become a better golf player and lower your score, you can become a more consistent player.
Being more consistent allows you to compete with your golf buddies every single time you go out, you won't be getting lucky you will just be a darn good golfer.
There is a whole lot to a golf swing it isn't as simple as pulling the club back and just letting her go.
You have to put thought into it and training as well.
Without a good bit of practice you will most likely be getting really lucky on quite a few of your hits rather than being seen as a quality player that is steady with their shot.

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