Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Uses of Saint Bernards

    Rescue Dogs

    • Documented as early as the 1600s, the Saint Bernard was once used by monks in a monastery in Switzerland for rescue work. Because of their keen hearing and sense of smell, tolerance of cold weather, ability to sense avalanches and instinct for digging, Saint Bernards were able to rescue lost or trapped travelers from the dangerous snow in the Alps.

    Working Dogs

    • Because of the breed's power and strength, farmers bred the Saint Bernard to help with farm work. Saint Bernards not only herded for the farmers, but also pulled carts. Saint Bernards are now judged on weight pulling and cart pulling in many dog shows and competitions.

    Service Dogs

    • The Saint Bernard is commonly described by breeders as very intelligent and willing to please, making them suitable as trained service dogs. Saint Bernard service dogs provide assistance to children with autism, children with behavioral problems and people with physical disabilities. Saint Bernards can also be used to sniff for specific allergens that may be lethal to allergy-prone children.


    • The good nature of the Saint Bernard, combined with its size and strength, makes it an excellent addition to television and film sets, allowing it to be cast in a wide variety of dog roles. On TV and in films, Saint Bernards have been used as intimidating, scary canine figures and as lovable dogs.


    • Saint Bernards are considered to be "gentle giants." They are friendly, easy going, patient and loyal, not to mention well-mannered around children. A Saint Bernard that has been trained at an early age can be easy to manage and a wonderful family pet.

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