Home & Garden Do It Yourself

How To Design And Make An Indoor Fountain

DESIGN AND MAKE AN INDOOR FOUNTAIN for a wall or tabletop fountain, or a floor or hanging fountain stand.
All you need are a few fountain supplies and parts to make your Indoor Fountain however you choose.
FOR A TABLETOP OR FLOOR FOUNTAIN You will need: - mist maker unit - a/c adapter - splash guard or center stand - Lid [or small bowl] to prevent water from splashing out of fountain bowl - fountain bowl or any cool looking bowl, or maybe a bowl you just love but never use.
You choose how you want your fountain to look.
- fountain stand or something to set your bowl in NOTE 1: you can use a flat bottom bowl and set your fountain directly on a table - a 1/8" diamond tip drill bit to drill a hole for the mist maker cord to go through - a power drill NOTE 2: you don't have to have a hole! Simply drape the cord over the edge of the bowl Put Your Fountain Together - Drill a hole in the bowl approximately 1/2" to 1" above the bottom of your bowl for the mist maker cord to go through - see NOTE 2 above - place the center stand in bottom of fountain bowl - set mist unit in the center stand - Run the mist maker cord through the hole [or drape the cord over the side of the bowl] and push the plug securely into the hole [wet the plug to make it easier to work with]if the plug is in the wrong place on the cord, move it.
Slide it down the mist maker cord to where you want it at - Fill your bowl with clean water to ABOVE the low water sensor on the mist unit - put the small Lid on top of the center stand - Connect the mist maker unit to the a/c adapter and plug the adapter into the wall.
Enjoy your Custom Designed Fountain Creation that YOU made yourself! Great job! HANGING WALL FOUNTAINS You Will Need: - a sturdy Rod Iron or Metal Bracket [at any dept or hardware store] - Hanging Fountain Assembly with chains - Fountain Bowl - a 12" to 14" round fountain bowl will work with this Hanging Assembly - mist maker unit - ac power adapter - splash guard or center stand - center lid Put Your Hanging Wall Fountain Together - Securely mount the bracket with included screws to the wall.
When mounting, make sure there is a wall stud [usually a 2x4] behind the spot where you want your fountain to hang - Place wall fountain Hanging Assembly on a flat surface - place bowl in the large ring on the hanging assembly [make sure the bowl won't rub against the chains when you pick it up.
use 11"-14" bowl] - Carefully pick up the hanging assembly by the top ring, lifting the chains and bowl as you do so - using the topmost ring on the hanging assembly, hang the ring over the end of the bracket - put the mist maker unit and center stand [or splash guard] in the bowl - place the lid on top of the center stand - add water - wind the mist unit cord up and around one of the chains and the bracket making sure that the ac adapter cord can reach the end of mist maker cord - plug ac adapter and misting unit together - plug ac adapter into wall.
Enjoy your new Wall Fountain that you made yourself! Design, create, and make an Indoor Fountain or Waterfall, with fountain replacement parts like: splash guards, lids, ceramic discs in 20mm or 16mm, mist maker units [foggers, misters] High Output AC Adapters, hanging fountain stands, and any size indoor fountain replacement bowl that you need.
Add an underwater pump and create an Indoor Waterfall Fountain.
Get Inspired! Design, Create and Make an Indoor Misting Fountain or Waterfall Fountain

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