Family & Relationships Conflict

If the Breakup Was Mutual You May Be Able to Get Your Ex Back

It often sounds like a breakup was initiated by one side or the other.
But often times the breakup was mutual.
You both agree that things are not going well and you're tired of fighting about the same old issues.
It seems like neither of you are really trying to change the behaviors that create problems and decide to just give it up.
Usually these breakups happen at the highest stress points of the relationship and there really has not been a lot of thought put into it by either of you.
It just seems like breaking up is easier that staying together and working out the issues.
Many times it's during a heated argument and both sides say things that they really don't mean.
It's very possible that you've found out that you really do love them and want they back.
Certainly getting your ex back is going to be tougher than letting them go.
During the first few days after the breakup you need to resist the temptation to try and get back together immediately.
You need to take a cooling off period.
Just some time to reflect and to let your partner do the same.
It won't feel comfortable and the fear that they may find another during this time can lead to some irrational make-up ideas.
You need to remember that the breakup was the result of some problems and they need to be resolved.
If the problems are not addressed before any reconciliation you will be doomed to the same results (another breakup).
You need to take this time and think about what the problems were.
You need to think about what your part of the breakup was and what could be done to solve them.
Sometimes it can be as simple as how you presented the problems.
Maybe just the timing or the words that you use can get different results.
Hopefully your partner is taking this time to do the same kind of evaluations.
There will come a time, hopefully soon, that you'll be able to present your ex with the idea of getting back together.
It's very possible that they have had all the same feelings that you have and after this cooling off period you'll both be ready to talk.
After a breakup there should be a lot of talking before any reconciliation happens.
A mutual breakup does not necessarily mean the relationship is over.
But taking some time apart may be the key to getting back together with your ex

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