Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

WoW Leveling Guide - Money Making

When I play World of Warcraft I would log on, take a look at my inventory.
I would see 300g all my hard earnings.
I wasn't making much more than 30g a day.
Then I found a perfect guide.
So as I was saying I would log on, look in my inventory to see 300gold.
I kept on telling myself that I would make it there it would just take time.
I knew it would take a lot of time.
So I started researching and looking for money making guides, also leveling guides.
Getting to level 70 took me a very long time.
(When I made a second player I used the leveling guide I found and it took me not much more than 20 days to cap level 70.
) But back to researching, I was buying guides all the time and trying different ones and they all side the same thing.
Download these mods, scan auction house, buy the items that you can make profit on and resell them on the auction house.
I was looking for a guide that didn't say that.
Then I found this World of Warcraft guide that had leveling guides and money making guides.
It turned my life around.
I went from logging on to see 300g to, logging on and seeing me on my epic flying mount with 1000gold in my inventory and my armor maxed out.
Being able to do what ever I wanted.
This is how I always wanted to play World of Warcraft.

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