How to Fix a Poulan Pull-Cord Trimmer
- 1). Remove the screws from the starter cover and set them aside in a safe place. Pull off the starter cover and the starter cord, which is attached to this cover, should come off with it.
- 2). Find the pulley's locking tab in the center of the pulley. It should look like a small, square tab. Pop this up with your finger or screwdriver. Pull out the entire length of cord and remove this from the pulley.
- 3). Use the screwdriver to pop open the plastic handle on the pull-cord. Take the cord off of the metal insert inside the handle. Throw away the old cord.
- 4). Push the new pull-cord in through the same hole from which you removed the old cord. Lock the center tab in place over the cord. Make sure it is secure by tugging on the cord. Readjust if necessary to make sure it will stay tight under pressure.
- 5). Insert the other end of the pull-cord through the starter cover, metal insert and the bottom of the plastic handle. Tie a loose overhand knot in the end of the cord, but don't tighten it yet.
- 6). Slide the knot into the handle and push the metal insert up into the handle. Pull down on the cord to tighten the knot while it's inside the handle.
- 7). Wind the pull-cord around the pulley until it's tight. Pull out on the cord for two full pulley rotations. This should set the tension on the recoil spring if done right.