Article Writing Skills 101 - How to Overcome Your Article Writing Mental Blockage
When it comes to article writing, there are several reasons your article writing zeal can become blocked.
Once you have a writer's block, it is hard to overcome unless you understand why you have the blockage to begin with.
Let us examine a few reasons writers become stuck and unable to write articles.
Maybe you have been writing articles for a while or maybe you are new to article writing.
Either way it is frustrating when you cannot seem to write.
You may struggle, think and stare at your computer keyboard but nothing seems to happen.
Here are a few reasons this can happen to you.
-Wrong location.
When you sit down and begin to write, you may notice the kids are running around and screaming, the dog is barking, the TV is blaring and other chaos is going on in your life.
In order to write valuable articles, you must be able to concentrate.
This means you need either total quietness, soft music in the background or a very relaxed atmosphere.
In order to get this accomplished, you may have to set some ground rules at home to allow time for your article writing.
- Lack of subjects.
You may find yourself without anything to write about.
If this is the case, then it is time to do some research.
The research can consist of in-depth searches on the Internet, TV, radio, written material or any other form of information that can be used to create an article.
Talk and news shows on TV are great sources of information.
This does not mean to sit down and watch TV for a of couple hours and expect an article to suddenly appear.
It does mean to sit down with a pad and pen, take notes and then start writing.
- Lack of concentration.
Maybe you are just too wound up to write.
You know, there is just too much on your mind...
the bills, the lack of money, the spouse, the kids and a bunch of other stuff.
In order to get past this, make sure you get a good night's sleep and be well rested before trying to write articles.
It may even help to take a nice walk outside to clear your mind.
This will give you time to sort out life's problems and be ready to move on to article writing.
- Lack of motivation.
You may have mastered the art of procrastination.
It goes something like this "why do today what I can put off until tomorrow?" If this is the case, then you have to find a way to get motivated to write articles.
The best way to do this is to set a daily goal for your article writing.
Start off simple with one article per day five days per week.
This will give you at least 20 articles per month and a massive number of back links to your website.
If you are not self-motivated enough, find an article writing partner.
This equates to having an exercise partner, you will always lose more weight if you have someone to work out with.
It works the same way with writing.
Find another author and encourage each other to accomplish your daily article writing goals.
Want to know more?
Once you have a writer's block, it is hard to overcome unless you understand why you have the blockage to begin with.
Let us examine a few reasons writers become stuck and unable to write articles.
Maybe you have been writing articles for a while or maybe you are new to article writing.
Either way it is frustrating when you cannot seem to write.
You may struggle, think and stare at your computer keyboard but nothing seems to happen.
Here are a few reasons this can happen to you.
-Wrong location.
When you sit down and begin to write, you may notice the kids are running around and screaming, the dog is barking, the TV is blaring and other chaos is going on in your life.
In order to write valuable articles, you must be able to concentrate.
This means you need either total quietness, soft music in the background or a very relaxed atmosphere.
In order to get this accomplished, you may have to set some ground rules at home to allow time for your article writing.
- Lack of subjects.
You may find yourself without anything to write about.
If this is the case, then it is time to do some research.
The research can consist of in-depth searches on the Internet, TV, radio, written material or any other form of information that can be used to create an article.
Talk and news shows on TV are great sources of information.
This does not mean to sit down and watch TV for a of couple hours and expect an article to suddenly appear.
It does mean to sit down with a pad and pen, take notes and then start writing.
- Lack of concentration.
Maybe you are just too wound up to write.
You know, there is just too much on your mind...
the bills, the lack of money, the spouse, the kids and a bunch of other stuff.
In order to get past this, make sure you get a good night's sleep and be well rested before trying to write articles.
It may even help to take a nice walk outside to clear your mind.
This will give you time to sort out life's problems and be ready to move on to article writing.
- Lack of motivation.
You may have mastered the art of procrastination.
It goes something like this "why do today what I can put off until tomorrow?" If this is the case, then you have to find a way to get motivated to write articles.
The best way to do this is to set a daily goal for your article writing.
Start off simple with one article per day five days per week.
This will give you at least 20 articles per month and a massive number of back links to your website.
If you are not self-motivated enough, find an article writing partner.
This equates to having an exercise partner, you will always lose more weight if you have someone to work out with.
It works the same way with writing.
Find another author and encourage each other to accomplish your daily article writing goals.
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