Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Compatible Match - Should You Proceed to the Next Step?

How do you know if you’re compatible?  Can you know that you are compatible just by sizing someone up?  Do you need to actually talk first before you find out of you are compatible?

Generally speaking, you definitely need to spend some time talking to a potential dating prospect before you know you are compatible.  Now, if you’re going through the online dating process, the time spent initially getting to know your prospective date would be through emails etc. and you can find out if you’re compatible, but it might be easier if you are actually having a face to face discussion.

When you’re in the initial dating stages, it’s the perfect time to continue the journey to ascertain your compatibility factor.  So what are some of those factors that let you know you have found a compatible match?

You will both be interested in the same life goals.  You may not be able to ascertain this factor right away, but it will definitely come out in ensuing discussions on your dates and this is a big factor when it comes to deciding whether or not to proceed to the next step in the dating seeking stage.

Another factor in deciding whether or not you are a compatible match is that you have similar religious beliefs or backgrounds.  This is usually a deal breaker for most people; however, if religion and background is not an issue for you, as long as your prospective partner concurs with that perspective, then you are a compatible match.  If you don’t agree with this perspective, your initial dating relationship may go well, but eventually, the issue of religion and background will rear its ugly head and could disrupt your happy trails.

The compatibility factor continues into the issues of the financial bracket.  This is not important for all people.  However, for others it is very important.  That’s why it would be good for you to assess your criteria for a prospective date before you get into the dating seeking environment.  Sometimes in the heat of the moment, the physical aspects of the relationship may take over and you think you can conquer the world together despite your vast differences.  You may be able to do this, but not everyone can and it’s best to assess the parameters you are working within before you get to the moment of decision.

Speaking of the physical relationship, if you have no moral issues with premarital sex, then you should not even be considering dating someone who has issues with it; regardless of your “feelings” for each other.  If you proceed forward in this scenario, both of you will end up getting hurt.  Either your date will be coerced into forsaking his or her values and having premarital relations or he or she will stand firm and you’ll end up breaking off the relationship.  This one compatibility factor is a no brainer and should not be tested.

There are so many factors we could go through, but you’ll know if you are a compatible match if you have some sort of connection and even through your differences, you know that you will be able to work through them and find a balance in not losing yourselves to the relationships and remaining your own individual persons.

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