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Salad Fixing Ideas to Liven Up Your Meal

Whenever you are fixing a salad, there are always a few ingredients that instantly come to mind. There is really no helping it, you will either think of lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. You are possibly thinking of cheese and your favorite dressing too, but in any case, all of those ingredients are already too cliché. You can be very creative when it comes to salads too, and we get to explore other salad fixing ideas through this article.

When you go visit your favorite salad bar, I bet the first thing you will see is the lettuce section. As a matter of fact, creativity starts with this basic ingredient among salads. Chances are that the salad bar you frequent will contain other types of lettuce. Instead of choosing the one you like, try mixing them all up. The taste difference can be subtle, but this is where it all starts.

Next, try adding more of those vibrant colored vegetables into your salad. If you think about it, vegetables with different colors not only act as a decoration to your meal but can be very appetizing as well. Carrots and peppers look nice in a salad, or opt in for some "bloom" by adding in broccolis, cauliflowers or mushrooms too.

Most vegetables used in stir-fry are also perfect as salad fixings. Zucchinis and baby ears of corn are perfect examples. Most people don't even think about adding these ingredients for a salad, but actually they contribute a great deal of flavor if added into the mix.

All in all, a salad can be fixed with just about any vegetable you can think of. There is a reason why salads are considered to be very healthy meals, and are used frequently by those who are in diet or watching their weights. Just think about the nutritional value of each salad serving, especially when you add all the fixings just mentioned above.

It is not only vegetables that add nutritional value to a salad. For a really well-rounded meal, you can also add fruit into the mix. Most salad bars contain apples, pineapples and bananas. Other than these, there are also a couple of berry types you can use. Dried fruits like raisins or prunes add a lot of flavor to the mix. Generally, fruits are sweet and can really satisfy your palate. They add a lot of vitamins and minerals too, which means you're adding more nutrition to your meal besides those from the vegetables.

Lastly, it's worth considering also those toppings you see at the end of the salad bar line. Seeds, nuts and meat bits populate this area and instead of just going with the conventional cheese, why not add these ingredients too? You'll be surprised at how much flavor they can contribute to your salad. The trick is just to experiment, and you'll soon have your new favorites at the end of the meal.

In summary, when it comes to salad fixings, the sky is really the limit to how much experiment you can do. It's hard to break a tried and tested recipe, but as you try new things you might have never imagined eating in a salad, you'll soon find the new ingredients worth the taste too. Give those neglected fixings a chance, it's really much better and more fun that way.

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