Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Purify Well Water

    • 1). Place two to three coffee filters or a store-bought water filter at the top of the water pitcher. Filters catch nitrates, copper, sediment and other particles that impact taste and pose potential health risks.

    • 2). Pour the water slowly into the pitcher until the pitcher is full or all of the water is emptied. Then, pour that water into a different clean pitcher or container.

    • 3). Repeat Step 2 using the same filter(s) and the same two pitchers once or twice to eliminate all particles from the water.

    • 4). Pour the filtered water into a cooking pot. The size of the pot will depend on the amount of water being purified.

    • 5). Turn the stove on to medium-high/high. Leave the stove at this heat until the well water is at a complete boil, also called a "rolling boil."

    • 6). Place a lid onto the cooking pot. The lid on the pot prevents condensation. Continue boiling the water. The Mississippi State University "MSU Cares" website recommends boiling the water for an additional 10 minutes to fully purify the water.

    • 7). Turn the stove off after 10 minutes. Leave the lid on the water until it cools enough for drinking.

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