Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Why Celebrity Love Lives Have a Major Effect on the Love Lives we Live In

Celebrity love lives are a rollercoaster to say the least, and the lives that they lead are soon becoming what we regard as normal love lives, when really in reality we need to lead lives that are much more mundane and smooth, that reflect the lives that we live in. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston becoming Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie was huge news and caused uproar all over Hollywood, as well as Ben Affleck becoming a home wrecker in Jennifer Lopez and Chris Judd's marriage. And all this hysteria and uproar filters down into the magazines that we will regularly pick up in the doctor's office, or supermarket, and unwittingly we start to believe that these are the real life stories of ordinary people, and we may be more encouraged to be tempted away from our marriage if the correct suitor comes along.

But the live as told by E entertainment channel and other magazines, is not the lives that we should be taking notice of. We should be taking notice of the lives around us and the way in which people in our lives react to each other and what we can take from that in order to make our own relationships better. We start to pick out certain traits that we see in celebrities and possibly on television programmes and begin to possibly pick fault with those that we see in our partners. This is wrong as first of all, the programmes we watch on television are fictional and the lives that celebrities lead are in a distinctly different environment to that in which we lead ourselves. So just because our partners are away on a lot of business trips does not mean that all the while they are sex addicts having affairs just because Tiger Woods was.

The age in which we live in and how quickly the lives of others can be accessed by all internet users and television watchers in the world is astonishing, and we can sometimes arrange our lives not only around what we see on television, but also watching programmes on television that tell us all about the latest love lives of the celebrities we adore. So it is important to keep our lives within the realms of reality and make sure we take more notice of what is going on at home than what is going on in the lives of others, others that we don't even know. Because you could be missing out on the true picture that is your home life.

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