Home & Garden Gardening

Free Vegetable Gardening Seminars-Tips & Techniques to Turn a Weed Patch into the Garden of Eatin!

I am delighted for the opportunity of presenting free ½-day vegetable gardening seminars again this winter and spring to a limited number of groups who request them.
My availability is necessarily limited, and timing is critical, so get your church, community, or gardening club involved now! Seminars include 2 ½ hours of fast-paced pictorial instruction in the classroom, and 2 ½ hours of demonstration and practice in the garden.
Your group will learn the unique world-renowned Mittleider Method of vegetable gardening that's been called "the best of organic", "better than organic," and "the poor man's hydroponic system," and that promises you a great garden in any soil and in virtually any climate.
Whatever size garden you have to work with - whether 100 square feet or one acre; whether on a patio, in containers, or in the dirt; and whether it's organic, or even hydroponic, you will learn to solve your unique problems and improve your gardening success.
And you'll enjoy gardening for a change! You'll learn tips and techniques for maximizing your limited space - eliminating weeds - using less water more efficiently - increasing yields - improving quality - extending your growing season - and minimizing problems with bugs and diseases.
Next summer you can eat fresh garden-grown tomatoes almost as soon as others are getting theirs established and growing in the garden!And you can still be enjoying them in December, long after your neighbors are paying top prices for"plastic" store-bought varieties.
And you don't need expensive greenhouses or hydroponic equipment to do it! Dr.
Jacob Mittleider developed these methods specifically for family gardeners all over the world.
And we keep the procedures simple and the costs down, so that families, whatever their financial situation, can grow their own food and achieve health, self-sufficiency, and independence, while enjoying the experience.
You'll want a large group (50-100 minimum) and a tilled garden space near the classroom (2-3 minute drive maximum), to assure the maximum benefit for all participants.
Email the Foundation with the details of your request at jim@growfood.
, or call 801-583-4449 or 888-548-4449.
Let's make 2007 the best, most productive, and most enjoyable gardening year you've ever had! Meanwhile, if you live too far away, or can't get a large group together, you can get most of the benefits of an in-person seminar by ordering the Garden Master CD, or the Mittleider Gardening Library CD from the Foundation at http://www.
Then if you request it by emailing me at jim@growfood.
, I will also send you a copy of a live seminar I conducted recently.
Jim Kennard, President Food For Everyone Foundation "Teaching the world to grow food one family at a time.
" http://www.

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