Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Strand by Strand Hair Fusion Instructions

    • 1). Separate a section of hair at the back of the head from the main body of the hair. Place the point of a rat-tail comb behind the right ear near the top and run it horizontally to the same point behind the left ear to create a straight parting. Clip the hair above this parting up out of the way.

    • 2). Take a small section of hair from the left of the parting approximately the same width as the fusion strand extension.

    • 3). Hold the hair strand in one hand and place the hair-extension bond, attached to the top of the extension, beneath the natural hair an inch from the root. Ensure the natural hair lies in the curve of the extension bond and is lying in a natural position.

    • 4). Pinch the hair extension and natural hair together just beneath the bond with one hand to hold it in place.

    • 5). Press the bond to the natural hair using the heated application tool with your other hand until the bond is melted slightly and sticky.

    • 6). Roll the bond and natural hair between your thumb and forefingers once it has cooled slightly to create a round, closed seal.

    • 7). Repeat this process at regular intervals along the ear-to ear-part.

    • 8). Create another part parallel to the first, 2 inches above it and repeat the process.

    • 9). Continue in this fashion until the desired effect of fullness and length is achieved.

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