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How to Apply Window Glazing Compound

    • 1). Clean the wood surrounding the glass. Use a gasket scraper to remove tough debris and sediment. Clear the pieces and dust away with a wide brush.

    • 2). Remove a golf ball-sized amount of glazing compound and rub it between your hands. Keep working the compound until it becomes soft and workable like soft dough.

    • 3). Roll the compound into a log as long as one side of your window. The thickness of the log should be enough to fill the frame edge, so add more compound if you have to.

    • 4). Push the compound firmly into the glass and the wood. You don't want any pockets of air getting inside, so work slowly.

    • 5). Hold the long edge of the putty knife at an angle against the compound. To find the angle, let the knife rest on the edge of the frame around the glass and set the corner of the blade on the glass where the wood it is resting on starts.

    • 6). Drag the knife in one long movement across the compound, from one end of the glass to the other. The corner of the knife should cut through the excess compound on the glass, while the straight edge will smooth out the compound, filling the gap.

    • 7). Run your finger swiftly across the compound to smooth out any small imperfections that the knife missed. If the compound is still very uneven, repeat the knife dragging until it is smooth.

    • 8). Pick up the excess pieces and either discard them, or put them back into the tub of compound. Any marks on the glass can be cleaned once the compound is cured.

    • 9). Apply the compound to each of the remaining sides in the same way. Leave the compound to cure for one week before painting or treating it in any way.

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