Speed Reading Technique - Why Speed Readers Use Their Hands
"Why do speed readers use their hands while reading?" That is a question that I often hear when teaching speed reading classes at a university.
It almost seems counter intuitive.
Remember when you attended school, and you teacher told you to never use your hands? Well it turns out this advice was as bad as many of the other things you were taught to do in school.
This article will precisely explain why speed readers use their hands while reading, and why you should begin doing this as well.
When most people read they hear a voice speaking to them inside of their heads.
The voice pronounces each word on the page-one at a time.
Reading is the only time you use your eyes to hear information.
That is why you read so slowly.
Let me prove it.
The average individual reads between 150-400 words per minute, and guess what? The average individual speaks between 150-400 words per minute.
It is no coincidence that you read at the same speed that you speak.
Especially when you are listening to the page with your eyes.
Fortunately, there is an easy way to correct this problem.
You probably guessed that using your hands is a major part of the solution.
If you did, then you were quite correct.
The hands help to keep the eyes focused on text while reading at high speed.
They function analogously to the baton of a conductor at a symphony orchestra.
After all every musician in the orchestra is an expert at playing their instrument.
So what does the conductor actually do? He coordinates everyone to work in harmony.
His baton keeps them at the correct pace at all times.
In the same way, your hands function like a baton while speed reading.
They will keep your eyes moving at a constant rate so you can read much faster.
People often ask me, "do I always needs to use my hands to speed read.
" The answer to this question is very simple.
If your goal is to read at high speed, and maintain that speed for a reasonable period of time, then you will want to use your hands while speed reading.
In fact, many speed reading techniques require you to always use your hands at high speed, or you lose your ability to speed read.
I found a solution to that problem, so my students do not have to always use their hands.
However, they always use their hands to achieve high reading speed.
They are taught eliminate using their hands only while reading for pleasure.
Now that you know why speed readers use their hands, isn't it a good idea for you to begin using yours while reading at high speed too?
It almost seems counter intuitive.
Remember when you attended school, and you teacher told you to never use your hands? Well it turns out this advice was as bad as many of the other things you were taught to do in school.
This article will precisely explain why speed readers use their hands while reading, and why you should begin doing this as well.
When most people read they hear a voice speaking to them inside of their heads.
The voice pronounces each word on the page-one at a time.
Reading is the only time you use your eyes to hear information.
That is why you read so slowly.
Let me prove it.
The average individual reads between 150-400 words per minute, and guess what? The average individual speaks between 150-400 words per minute.
It is no coincidence that you read at the same speed that you speak.
Especially when you are listening to the page with your eyes.
Fortunately, there is an easy way to correct this problem.
You probably guessed that using your hands is a major part of the solution.
If you did, then you were quite correct.
The hands help to keep the eyes focused on text while reading at high speed.
They function analogously to the baton of a conductor at a symphony orchestra.
After all every musician in the orchestra is an expert at playing their instrument.
So what does the conductor actually do? He coordinates everyone to work in harmony.
His baton keeps them at the correct pace at all times.
In the same way, your hands function like a baton while speed reading.
They will keep your eyes moving at a constant rate so you can read much faster.
People often ask me, "do I always needs to use my hands to speed read.
" The answer to this question is very simple.
If your goal is to read at high speed, and maintain that speed for a reasonable period of time, then you will want to use your hands while speed reading.
In fact, many speed reading techniques require you to always use your hands at high speed, or you lose your ability to speed read.
I found a solution to that problem, so my students do not have to always use their hands.
However, they always use their hands to achieve high reading speed.
They are taught eliminate using their hands only while reading for pleasure.
Now that you know why speed readers use their hands, isn't it a good idea for you to begin using yours while reading at high speed too?