Health & Medical Lose Weight

Easily Burn 10 Calories A Minute

Here is another great and simple exercise that will help you manage your weight, and burn fat quickly and easily. To start all you need is two 1 to 2 pound dumbbells. To start the exercise grab one dumbbell in each hand. Bring both of your hands up by the cheeks of your face and stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Just imagine that you are about to box somebody. Next, with dumbell in hand throw a straight punch (a jab) with your left hand while keeping your right hand next to your right cheek. Then bring back your left hand to your cheek and becareful not to accidentally hit yourself. Then repeat the same motion with your right hand punching forward with the dumbbell and bringing it back to your right cheek. Once you have done this with both arms you have done one rep. Now instead of counting reps I want you to try to go back and forth punch with your left, bringing it back, punch with your right, bring it back, etc. for 2 minutes. It might seem easy when you first start but once you get closer to 2 minutes you can really start to feel the burn in your arms and shoulders. That was part one of this exercise. Now onto part two.

For part two you are going to start in the same position as you did in part one. Feet shoulder width apart, dumbbells in your fists, fists next to your cheeks. Remember just pretend you are about to box someone. This time though you are going to do uppercuts. The difference is instead of punching straight ahead with your left hand to start, you are going to rotate your upper body back to the left, while it is rotated back you are going to drop your elbow and fist to waiste high, and then in one motion rotate your upper body back to normal position and raise your left hand up to your forehead. Then bring your left hand back to your left cheek. Again please be careful not to hit yourself, and yes I know your thinking who would do that, well it has actually happened to me before and I don't want it to happen to you. I do the same exercises I recommend that you do on this site, I just want you to know that I'm not showing you how to do something I wouldn't do. Ok, so back to the exercise. You just did one uppercut with your left hand, now repeat the process with your right hand and remember to rotate your upper body. You want to rotate your upper body to work your midsection. Just like the first part of the exercise you want to do an uppercut with your left hand, then your right, and so on for two minutes.

This exercise may not seem like it's too difficult, but I'm telling you once you get close to that two minute mark you really feel the burn in your muscles. Not only will this exercise help tone and strengthen your arms it will also work your entire core to help tighten up your abs. The best part is it's also cardio which will burn fat and make you lose weight. This simple exercise will burn 10 calories a minute, not bad for throwing a few punches. You can also do this exercise for more than two minutes if you want or you can start at 30 seconds and work your way up.

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