It"s 4:00 AM
It is actually 2:55 AM as I begin typing this addition to my blog.
I prefer to begin my day around 4:00 AM, when possible.
No ringing phones, No people, and No signs of life, have always provided for a necessary backdrop to focus on life's direction, and of course, the current day.
My first "paychecks", at the age of 12 or 13 , consisted of delivering Goldblatts department store sales papers to houses within a 3 mile radius of my home in Clinton, IL..
Getting up and being on the street by 4:00 AM to deliver the papers was actually fun and educational.
I also took great pride in each paper I delivered.
Delivering papers simply to the house was not enough for me.
For years, I had noticed news papers being delivered to every part of the recipient's address.
For most recipients of papers delivered, by someone else but me, it must have been like a daily treasure hunt.
Papers on the roof, curb, sidewalk, driveway, and even hanging in a tree or bush.
My papers were not only delivered to the door, they were delivered to the opening of the door.
A person could open their front door 3 inches and blindly reach down to find any paper I delivered.
I simply delivered the paper to where I would have wanted it delivered if the given house was mine.
I especially liked delivering the papers in bad weather.
Seriously, I love Rain & Snow.
This morning is potentially one of those mornings with a light breeze and distant lightning filling the sky.
I love to be "weathered", it makes me feel more alive, and adds to the experience.
The experience from something as simple as delivering a paper taught me that much can be accomplished while most are sleeping.
It taught me to treat the customer as I would want to be treated.
And, it taught me that while "elements" may be challenging, by accepting the challenge, and working through any "elements", I am more prepared to deal with the next unknown.
To my children: as you find your way to your future profession, you will work many jobs that you may not be crazy about, but trust me, you will learn something from each.
Remember your dad walking at 4:00 AM, through the snow, In-Between Swing Sets, delivering a simple paper, and enjoying every minute.
Remember to carve out some quiet time for yourself.
My quiet time has always been 4:00AM.
I prefer to begin my day around 4:00 AM, when possible.
No ringing phones, No people, and No signs of life, have always provided for a necessary backdrop to focus on life's direction, and of course, the current day.
My first "paychecks", at the age of 12 or 13 , consisted of delivering Goldblatts department store sales papers to houses within a 3 mile radius of my home in Clinton, IL..
Getting up and being on the street by 4:00 AM to deliver the papers was actually fun and educational.
I also took great pride in each paper I delivered.
Delivering papers simply to the house was not enough for me.
For years, I had noticed news papers being delivered to every part of the recipient's address.
For most recipients of papers delivered, by someone else but me, it must have been like a daily treasure hunt.
Papers on the roof, curb, sidewalk, driveway, and even hanging in a tree or bush.
My papers were not only delivered to the door, they were delivered to the opening of the door.
A person could open their front door 3 inches and blindly reach down to find any paper I delivered.
I simply delivered the paper to where I would have wanted it delivered if the given house was mine.
I especially liked delivering the papers in bad weather.
Seriously, I love Rain & Snow.
This morning is potentially one of those mornings with a light breeze and distant lightning filling the sky.
I love to be "weathered", it makes me feel more alive, and adds to the experience.
The experience from something as simple as delivering a paper taught me that much can be accomplished while most are sleeping.
It taught me to treat the customer as I would want to be treated.
And, it taught me that while "elements" may be challenging, by accepting the challenge, and working through any "elements", I am more prepared to deal with the next unknown.
To my children: as you find your way to your future profession, you will work many jobs that you may not be crazy about, but trust me, you will learn something from each.
Remember your dad walking at 4:00 AM, through the snow, In-Between Swing Sets, delivering a simple paper, and enjoying every minute.
Remember to carve out some quiet time for yourself.
My quiet time has always been 4:00AM.