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Pesticides or Herbicides That Kill Fescue

    • Fescue grasses are generally the most prevalent invasive plant in areas such as prairies. Though fescue performs well as turfgrass, its presence is often a hindrance that requires the use of herbicides for adequate control. Fescue has an aggressive, sod-forming growth habit that affects the foraging of groundfeeding animals. Tall fescue, especially, produces compounds that can adversely affect the growth and germination of other plants around it. A number of herbicides are effective in controlling fescue growth and spread.


    • Glyphosate is a systemic, broad spectrum herbicide that effectively controls the growth of fescue with two annual applications in fall and spring. The herbicide does not offer any residual control and is safe for plants planted in the soil after the fescue is cleared. Glyphosate applications do not provide any residual control of fescue seeds that germinate after application is over, which is why a followup application is often required. Let the remaining fescue seeds germinate and grow to 6 inches before the next glyphosate application.


    • Imidazoline is a broad spectrum herbicides effective for the eradication of fescue. Use the herbicide by itself or in combination with glyphosate for up to eight weeks of residual control of fescue. The residual potency of the imidazoline depends on the application rate. A number of warm season grasses and wildflowers are tolerant of imidazoline. However, the residual effect of the herbicide is likely to affect the optimal growth of cool season grasses. This allows for a faster establishment of warm season grasses in grounds treated with imidazoline.


    • Paraquat is cited by the Kansas State University Extension site as being among the most effective herbicides for the control of fescue, with a rate of up to 97 percent eradication depending upon timing. Paraquat is a fast-acting, non-selective compound that works by destroying green plant tissue upon contact. The chemical then translocates within the plant. Paraquat is a restricted use herbicide and can only be purchased and used by licensed or certified applicators. Paraquat is sold under different brand names and is highly toxic to humans and animals.

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