Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

The medicinal uses of aloe Vera (Barbados aloe) part 1

Aloe Vera is one of the oldest known medicinal herbs in the world. The Greek historian Dioscorides wrote 2000 years a ago, that aloe Vera was an effective treatment for every thing from constipation to burns to kidney ailments. Aloe Vera is a member of the lily family. The term aloe is from the Arabic word Alloeh which means a shining and bitter substance while Vera origin is from the Latin versus which means true. Aloe Vera has inner mucus like sap called gel. The gel is rich in over 200 nutrients known to be beneficial to mankind. This gel is commonly found in cosmetics because it naturally balances PH of the skin .the plant enzymes soften the skin by removing dead cells and increases moisture which fight the effect of premature aging.

Aloe Vera has a natural antidotal effect neutralizing body toxics thus reducing arthritis, some of the most common chemicals found in aloe Vera are sulphur,thiamine,nitrogen,anomic acid, antibiotics etc. aloe Vera is believed to boost the immune system by balancing the PH of the blood,increasesdigestion and absorption of food.


1.      IMMUNE BOOSTER: Extract gels in aloe Vera plant mixed it with water and add little honey and store in a bottle. Take 4 table spoon twice daily.

2.      STRECTH MARKS AND SKIN WREINKLES: To Erase stretch marks and wrinkles; mash garlic mix with aloe Vera gel and olive oil rub on the affected part morning and evening.

3.      TO STIMULATE APPETITE: Add little aloe Vera gel to a glass of warm water with little salt and drink

4.      EAR DISCHARGE: Extract the gel in aloe Vera mix with little warm water [ut the liquid in your ear and cover with cotton wool bend your head down to allow the liquid flow out twice daily.

5.      HEART DISEASE: Get aloe Vera mix with garlic powder add to a glass of water stir and drink one glass daily.

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