Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Video: How to Curl Straight Hair With Curling Gel

Video Transcript

Hi there. This is Nina Christmas. Creative Director of Beautiful Salon. Today, I'm going to show you how to get textured hair using gel on hair that's naturally very straight. Julianna here has naturally straight hair. What we've done is an array of things to show you how to get texture. So I'll start with our first coil. This coil was simply wrapped around my finger and pinned up. I used a great spray gel to get the hair to set in the texture that I set it in. So let's see what we developed after spraying the gel on and simply coiling it around itself, the hair developed texture and Julianna will have an amazing look once we take her hair down. So let's see. Sometimes it's not that easy to get any texture when your hair is naturally straight. So these are a few simple ways. Next off we used a double rod set. Her hair is very long and we used two different sizes to produce the curl. So let's see how that turned out also. Again, I used a light spray gel. Julianna doesn't need anything too heavy, and this worked out very well. We allow her hair to air dry. Again let's see what developed. You notice that there's texture in both of the areas. Even though Julianna's hair is very straight it got a chance to be revived and take some of the shape from the tools. So hair gel can help us out in many ways. Next we went ahead with a braid. I incorporated the braid and the curly tool with using the gel. So let's see what we got with this. As you can see there's no wrong way to eat a Reese's and no wrong way to produce texture in the hair. As we take down the braid we'll be able to see what type of texture formed in Julianna's naturally straight hair. As we take the braid down we'll see what type of texture developed. It's a plus to use hair gel in different methods to create texture. This gave us a crimped texture which will work great for Julianna. Next we did a basic twist. And we used the same spray gel. So with straight fine hair a very light gel is appropriate. Air drying can give the most swelling for the textured look. This is a great way to create texture in straight hair. Lastly we used some great flexy rods and a spray gel. Let's see what we came up with. Removing the rods we reveal the texture that was created. Again we used a light spray gel for a nice wet look. This gives Julianna volume in the crown of her hair and it allows texture to form in the strands. We'll take away the last two looks to show you the variations of texture that was made with different tools and a light spray gel. Wow, gel can be an amazing accessory to straight hair. Along with a few rods or rollers you could produce an amazing look. Julianna started with very straight hair. And finished off with amazing texture. This will be great for her weekend look. This has been Nina Christmas, thanks for watching.

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