Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Learn How to Write For the Web

There was a lesson that I learned, years ago now, that as time passed I almost forgot.
And that is how to write for the web.
Consider this...
When we are reading from a paperback book, we can read slowly as we are relaxed in our chairs.
We can bring the book closer to our eyes, or adjust the light in the room.
But when we are reading something on a computer monitor, everything changes.
Consider the internet, the entire medium and how fast paced it is.
Reading online is very different.
Everything happens much faster, people make quick decisions after they initially look at something online.
And that decision is whether or not they are going to stay or just click away from your article, blog post or web page.
But here...
If you are going to take your precious time and carefully craft an article, or create a blog post or webpage.
I'm sure that you want your readers to get through your writing.
We all want to get our message across and share our thoughts and ideas and we all want our writing to be read.
So there are things that we can do to make it easier for our readers to get through what we write for the web.
And this is to learn a few pointers how to write for online reading.
And it's really not that difficult to do.
The trick is to remember these rules while we are all in the moment of writing our articles, posts or pages.
Here they are: First, write very short paragraphs.
Perhaps two or three sentences only.
And create lots of line breaks in your piece.
So it looks like there is a lot of white space on your page.
We do this for our readers so when they initially see what's on their computer screen, they do not feel like they are going to drown in a sea of words.
Because if they feel that way, they are just going to click away and perhaps not even begin to read what we wrote.
The next thing that we can do is change the font that we are using.
For the web, choose Verdana.
This particular font is smooth and easy on the eyes.
Our readers can just glide through the words on the computer screen.
And the size that we should be using will be either 12pt or 14pt.
This is so it's large enough for them to see without any trouble.
Another idea is the word count of what we are writing.
We might want to craft our web pages and blog posts between 600 and 800 words.
And for our articles, the most popular lengths seem to be between 300 and 500 words.
Once you get used to writing for the web, all of this will come very natural to you.
Then you can work on creating some compelling writing for your readers.
Then chance are your readers will be hooked - and will read through what you wrote - from start to finish.

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