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Best Tips on How to Please a Woman - Learn How to Please a Woman With These 3 Easy Steps

Millions of men out there are no doubt wondering how to please a woman - likely in the bedroom, of course.
Well, first of all, you need to know that if you want to please a woman in bed, then you have to please her out of bed first.
Sexual attraction and prowess go a long way, but you need to stimulate a woman mentally before you start getting to her physically.
So, this is our first step: engage your girl.
Make her laugh, connect with her before you ever reach the bedroom, listen to her.
Make her feel sexy, make her feel interesting.
In short, if you want her, then you need to make her feel wanted - all of her, not just certain parts of her anatomy.
In fact, with the exception of a few cases, if you do that, it will always go wrong.
A girl can tell when you are scoping her out rather than listening to her and quite a few of them are turned off by that.
The second tip on how to please a woman involves getting her motor revving, so to speak.
By and large, women are sensual and tactile creatures.
That does not mean they want to be groped and grabbed.
It does not mean that they automatically want to sleep with you.
It means that they enjoy being touched - with purpose.
Foreplay does not just involve groping or heavy petting.
Caressing your girl will take you far.
It can even take you all the way - in time.
Play with her hair, touch her skin - even give her a massage.
But do it to give her genuine, relaxing pleasure, not just as a means to get her naked! Last but not least, you have to know where to touch where it counts as well.
Learn everything you can about the female anatomy, and do not be afraid to ask your girl what she likes.
First learn the erogenous zones on a woman and then learn which ones your girl likes the most.
That's exactly how to please a woman.
If you would like to discover AMAZING strategies on how to attract beautiful women then visit my website to get your hands on my FREE report which has helped thousands of men get women they thought they never had a chance with!

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