Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Natural Ayurveda Cure For Arthritis

On of the real problems with Arthritis is  due to the debilitating nature of the illness it will often lead to even more serious conditions such as becoming overweight or obese which in turn often leads to diabetes and consequenly heart disease, sufferers will often become more and more depressed as the disease progresses, but the simple truth is there is no need to suffer endlessly when there are such effective natural arthritis cures available.

I have a lot of experience working with sufferers of Arthritis while working as a district Nurse part of my job was to visit a large number of Nursing Homes for the elderly and it would be true to say that a large percentage of the residents suffered some form of arthritis, that said, At one of the nursing homes that practised Natural medicine alongside more conventional medicine it became quickly apparent that sufferers responded better to the Natural medicine than conventional medication.

 Natural Arthritis Cures

 In my professional opinion the best cure for athritis is a combination of diet, a little light exercise and a balanced herbal medication, almost every condition can be improved to some extent by just a minor improvement in ones diet, this is especially true when it comes to arthritis, antoxidents and phytochemicals found in certain foods can have a profound effect on the condition, while certain foods will aggravate

arthritis. The best foods for arthritis are food diets that are naturally high in calcium and magnesium and trace minerals this combination ensures healthy bones and connecting joint tissue and improves the bone matrix. these specific base nutrients can be found in many foods but are more concentrated in some foods than others, such as:


 Low fat milk (see note below) yoghurt, cottage cheese, snow peas, , sardines, salmon, torfu, walnuts and almonds,  most seeds especially sunflower seeds, curly kale and other green leafy vegetables the darker the better, broccoli andalfalfa seeds - to name a few. Milk Alone is not a great source of calcium because it has a fairly low magnesium content, and the body needs magnesium during the process to get the calcium into your bones and joints, so just taking a diet high in milk without other magnesium rich foods or a natural magnesium supplement is of little use. Magnesium rich Foods will include many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, leafy vegetables, nuts, beans,apricots, bananas and, you do not have to worry about this too much as long as you are eating a sensible fresh diet you will be getting enough magnesium

 Vitamin D

 Is another requirement to help properly metabolize the calcium. The best source is sunlight, about 10 minutes per day is fine, don't worry you do not have to live in the desert,simply being outside in any country during the day is fine. Other sources include dairy products and fatty fish.

Trace minerals are also essential to everyone for good health, but with arthritis Boron and Manganese are important to help the body properly absorb the Calcium ingested the best sources of Boron are dark green leafy vegetables, pears, almonds, apples and a greatly underestimated and much forgotton food legumes and pulses, for good sources of Manganese, look for oats and ginger as your arthritis foods, in truthe oats and ginger are true superfoods and just great for everyday health.

All of the foods below can be responsible for excessive uric acid production. Even though some do not contain purines, they can still cause the system to naturally produce uric acid. They are as follows: alcohol, anchovies, asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms, consomm , herring, meat gravies, broth, bouillon, mussels, sardines, red meats, organ meats, processed meats (hot dogs, lunch meats, etc.), fried foods, roasted nuts, any food cooked in oil (heated oil destroys vitamin E), rich foods (cakes, sugar products, white flour products), dark greens vegetables, dried fruits, fish, caffeine, beans, lentils, eggs, oatmeal, peas, poultry, yeast products, acetaminophen, and low doses of aspirin.

foods to avoid

Red meat lamb and beef use chicken and  fish.obviously oily fish is better generally.It is said that nightshade food groups do not help, however I can find no scientific evidence for this, the more common in this group will include, tomatoes, white potatoes ,eggplants, red peppers - tobacco.

Dairy products such as cows milk, cheese and yoghurt.

High sugar or fuctrose foods, sweets, cakes, sweet puddings,soft drinks, treacle, honey, many fast food will contain vast amounts of "hidden" sugar

All products containing refined white wheat Avoid foods where ingredients include cereal binders, cereal fillers or cereal protein, wheat starch or edible starch.

Dry roasted and salted nut, note raw nuts like almonds, walnuts and brazil nuts

If you can avoid the above foods as much as possible, and combine this with eating a heathy diet, and just a little light exercise, and a high quality whole plant herbal supplement for arthritis cure, you will notice a real improvement in a few months, as soon as you can get off the strong painkillers.

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