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Are Russian Brides Virtual Realities?

I always got askedthis question when I first began seeking a Russian bride.
And I wouldlike to mention that there is a difference regarding love from a'psychological' point of view, in my opinion.
Falling in love throughcyberspace is what I call "Virtual Love.
" It's not real love yet...
butcan definitely turn into real love.
Once you accept this, you will beon your way towards achieving your goal and finding a healthyrelationship.
Now, in my case, there were some extra precautionsI had to take.
Because when seeking a Russian Bride (or anyone abroadthat you can't physically meet on a normal date), you do have to becareful.
There are many scammers that try to manipulate and con youinto giving them money.
I will save some of these tips for anotherarticle in the future, but in all honesty, they are pretty obvious, asyou will see in my example.
When I first started searching foran online romance, I pretty much did everything everybody else does.
Ilooked at all the prettiest girls I could find, copied and pasted atemplate letter and blasted them out to as many Russian girls I couldfind.
I mean, they can't read English very well anyway, so why not,right? Little did I know that I would found myself spending hours amongend reading response templates such as, "Thank you for the letter...
you seem like the good man...
I liked your structure...
please write...
you interesting!
" Ironic isn't it? But I continued writing andwriting...
answering each of them back.
And this is when I began tonotice a trend.
Many of the emails I got back were very similar incontext, and by the 4th or 5th email, they suddenly claimed their lovefor me.
Me?? Little ol' me?? After only 5 emails?!! I must admit thattheir 'claim' rather made me feel good...
and while I was in disbelief,my own ego couldn't help but to think that, "Maybe she is in love withme?!!" Hmmm...
it could happen, right? This is when I took astep back and realized that online dating has a power that differs fromreality.
It is a virtual love that can make you think crazy thoughts.
It plays with your mind by entering the power of your own imagination.
Think of it like a book...
giving you just enough descriptive passages,leaving your mind to fill in all the remaining details.
So howcan you avoid this kind of trap? Simple...
keep your feet grounded anddon't do anything different that you wouldn't normally do in the REALWORLD.
For example, if an American woman claimed that she loved youafter only 3 dates and wanted to marry you, you would undoubtedly runfor the hills screaming "Psyyyyychooooo!" Right? So keep the sameattitude whenever a Russian woman says the same thing after only 5emails.
The issue of money seems to be a popular subject amongstmen seeking a russian woman.
"Should I give her money? She asked forsome money and she claims that she loves me.
" Don't laugh...
this happens a lot and many men get scammed because their imaginationtakes over.
They actually believe that she does loves them.
Just keepyour feet grounded and think of it this way...
you walk by a homelessperson everyday not giving him one penny, yet this doesn't bother youdoes it? Do you want to know why? Because in reality, you are much moresensible and you might think that he might use it for drugs, alcohol orwhatever.
You don't want to feed his addictions, so you look the otherway when he asks for money.
Use the same approach when a Russian womanasks for money...
IGNORE HER! Don't be foolish and give in to her photoand centerfold body.
You don't know her well enough -- you're onlyimagining that you do.
The key to a successful online romance isto have patience.
You have to stay grounded and stay in reality.
Thingstake time, especially relationships.
You need to establish trust -- andbelieve me when I say this, it doesn't happen in 5 emails.
Follow yourinstincts and you'll do just fine.
Good luck!

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