Enrich Your Life With Google Friend Connect
Google Friend Connect is an online, open social service offered by Google.
It allows users to communicate with their friends on other websites.
Now, you don't have to be on the same site as everyone else, but you can still communicate with them.
The only catch is that the website has to allow the application to communicate with it.
Google Friend Connect uses features such as OpenId (when you sign in) and oAuth to help control the data.
With the blend of the different open products, this effective new technology is bound to become a popular means of communication.
Websites that are not as advanced as the social networking sites can now take advantage of Google Friend Connect, as users can use their Google, Yahoo and other credentials to sign in and then the website owners can have some sort of social networking sprinkled throughout their site.
A lot of codes would have to be written to allow sites to function in this way, but Google Friend Connect allows the website to stay the way that it is and allows the consumer to use their other applications from Google, Yahoo, etc to interact with the non-social websites.
Basically, what this all means is that now the web itself has become social! Yes, the public is social and we communicate with each other to the extent that sites such as Twitter have become 'addictive'; however, in the past websites could not communicate with each other.
With the new technology that Google Friend Connect has offered, websites can now be social with each other.
The development of a social friends list is valued by many online users.
Now, the users can take their friends with them to other sites.
Google Friend Connect doesn't steal your log in information, your password information or your friend's IDs and it doesn't share any information with other sites.
It is a completely friendly interface that allows the user to control where they want to link their Friend Connect count to.
The users and the website owners are in complete control of what happens with their account and/or website.
Website owners can choose what type of social platform that they want to incorporate into their site and users can leave comments, participate in forums and so on.
Google Friend Connect allows you to do more than just leave comments.
API formats allow virtually any type of social interaction to be possible and with the incorporation of some type of social platform onto a website; website owners will see a decrease in spam.
Google Friend Connect is completely free for both, the users and the website owners.
It allows for social integration to be possible with very little effort.
Users can take their friends with them anywhere that they can go.
The only aspect that is shared from site to site is the users photo ID, and the users still have control over that.
It allows users to communicate with their friends on other websites.
Now, you don't have to be on the same site as everyone else, but you can still communicate with them.
The only catch is that the website has to allow the application to communicate with it.
Google Friend Connect uses features such as OpenId (when you sign in) and oAuth to help control the data.
With the blend of the different open products, this effective new technology is bound to become a popular means of communication.
Websites that are not as advanced as the social networking sites can now take advantage of Google Friend Connect, as users can use their Google, Yahoo and other credentials to sign in and then the website owners can have some sort of social networking sprinkled throughout their site.
A lot of codes would have to be written to allow sites to function in this way, but Google Friend Connect allows the website to stay the way that it is and allows the consumer to use their other applications from Google, Yahoo, etc to interact with the non-social websites.
Basically, what this all means is that now the web itself has become social! Yes, the public is social and we communicate with each other to the extent that sites such as Twitter have become 'addictive'; however, in the past websites could not communicate with each other.
With the new technology that Google Friend Connect has offered, websites can now be social with each other.
The development of a social friends list is valued by many online users.
Now, the users can take their friends with them to other sites.
Google Friend Connect doesn't steal your log in information, your password information or your friend's IDs and it doesn't share any information with other sites.
It is a completely friendly interface that allows the user to control where they want to link their Friend Connect count to.
The users and the website owners are in complete control of what happens with their account and/or website.
Website owners can choose what type of social platform that they want to incorporate into their site and users can leave comments, participate in forums and so on.
Google Friend Connect allows you to do more than just leave comments.
API formats allow virtually any type of social interaction to be possible and with the incorporation of some type of social platform onto a website; website owners will see a decrease in spam.
Google Friend Connect is completely free for both, the users and the website owners.
It allows for social integration to be possible with very little effort.
Users can take their friends with them anywhere that they can go.
The only aspect that is shared from site to site is the users photo ID, and the users still have control over that.