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Natrual Ways to Induce Labor


    • Doctors often prescribe sex to help bring on labor for overdue mothers anxious to give birth. The prostaglandins in semen help soften and prepare the cervix to dilate. The cervix is then ready to open in preparation for childbirth.


    • Centuries ago, before the invention of pitocin to induce labor, midwives used herbs to prepare mothers for pregnancy, labor and childbirth. It's important to be cautious when dealing with herbs of any kind. They can be very harmful if you do not receive the correct dosage.

      Black cohosh is a common herb used to induce labor. It is available in a tinucture and you can choose formulas with or without alcohol. It helps regulate contractions during childbirth.

      Blue cohosh acts a lot like black cohosh. Its primary job is the strengthen and regulate uterine contractions. It is also available in tincture form.

      You should not use herbs unless your cervix is actually ready to ripen, otherwise they will not work.

    Nipple Stimulation

    • Women have used nipple stimulation to induce labor for centuries. It actually releases oxytocin, a natural form of pitocin. Like pitocin, oxytocin starts contractions that can initiate labor. It only works if you are near your due date and ready to give birth. You should not attempt to start labor earlier than 40 weeks.

      You can stimulate your nipples manually or with a breast pump. Be careful trying this because your uterus could become hyperstimulated, getting no rest between contractions which could cause other problems. You should only stimulate one breast at a time and stop as soon as you notice contractions. Wait at least 15 minutes after they stop before starting again.

    Castor Oil

    • Castor oil is among the natural ways to induce labor. The idea is that cramping and diarrhea end up stimulating the uterus, causing contractions that can lead to labor.

      Take two tablespoons of caster oil. It's not very pleasant tasting, but if you mix it into a glass of orange juice or some other drink, it may be easier to take. It's also a good idea to take it first thing in the morning, because if you take it at night the cramping and diarrhea could keep you awake.

      The risks associated with taking castor oil to start labor is that you could wind up dehydrated as a result of the diarrhea. There is also an even higher risk of the baby passing meconium while still in the uterus.

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