Health & Medical Healthy Living

How to Stay in Shape After 50

    • 1). Know that any reasonably healthy person of any age can improve his fitness level in a multitude of ways. This fact especially applies to those over 50, for whom these days there are myriad fitness options.

    • 2). Make a short list of what you'd like to achieve. Ask yourself what you'd like to change: Are you feeling sluggish and overweight? Do you lack energy and wish you could climb stairs like you used to? Write down a few simple goals, like (1) lose 5 lb., (2) build strength, (3) increase energy, (4) improve posture and (5) tone muscle.

    • 3). Research the perfect program for YOU. Here are your resources: the Internet (different exercise programs and methods), television (watch, record and play various exercise and fitness programs) and the great outdoors (walk and/or jog and pursue outdoor sports). There are also activities like swimming, if you live near a pool or body of water in a warm climate, tennis and other athletic pursuits. Mix it up. The key to good fitness is NOT doing the same exact thing day after day. That way you won't get bored.

    • 4). Keep it real. Don't overexert or tax yourself beyond your limits. The key to getting and staying in shape over 50 is consistency. A continuous, varied and only moderately challenging fitness schedule will be both enjoyable and extremely effective.

    • 5). Analyze these elements: How much time should you spend on each activity, and at what level should you do it? This will depend on your age, fitness level and goals. For a moderately active and healthy person of 55, for example, walking briskly for 30 to 45 minutes is a reasonable goal. Then increase the time and difficulty over time, slowly but surely.

    • 6). Make a schedule. Find something you'd like to do (take a walk, take a fitness class on television, swim 10 laps) and put it on your calendar for a specific day and time. Make it an event in your day to look forward to, not a chore. A time just for you to indulge your own thoughts and personal private time.

    • 7). Schedule something for every day. It doesn't always have to be a long period of time; it can be a simple 30-minute Pilates DVD or a 15-minute stretching routine. But it should be every day.

    • 8). Don't punish yourself if you miss an activity. You're doing this to make your life better, so consider it a treat. When you finish an activity, reward yourself. Not with unhealthy food, of course, but with something enjoyable like a movie or a shopping trip. You'll notice that with physical activity comes higher spirits. It's a scientific fact that the body produces endorphins when it's active. You'll appreciate feeling stronger and happier every time you exercise!

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