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How to Obtain a Social Security Number for a Child

    • 1). Applying for a SSN at the same time you file your baby's birth certificate is the simplest way to get a SSN. When you apply for the baby's birth certificate, mark "yes" to apply for the baby's SSN and put down your own SSN. The state agency in charge of birth certificates sends the baby's information to the Social Security Office. In a few weeks, your child's social security card will arrive.

    • 2). Requesting a SSN for an older child requires more paperwork. You will need to prove the child's age, U.S. citizenship and identity, as well as your own. All documents must be originals or copies that are certified by their issuing agency. Then fill out the Application For A Social Security Card (Form SS-5), which can be found on the Social Security Administration's website. Once you have the correct information and form filled out, you can mail or take it to your local Social Security office. If the child is over 12, you must go to the local office. All of the identifying information on you and your child must be verified before a SSN card can be issued, so this process can take up to 12 weeks.

    • 3). Beginning in 2001, "The Child Citizenship Act of 2000 ... grants an adopted child, immigrating to the United States, 'automatic' citizenship." When your child arrives in the United States, apply for a U.S. passport (U.S. State Department) or a Certificate of Citizenship (Department of Homeland Security). Either of these documents can be used to apply for a SSN along with the adoption record, medical records, academic records and/or a religious record. You can then fill out the SS-5 form.

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